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2. Graduate Education Courses All candidates for the Preliminary Multiple Subject (MS) or Single Subject (SS) Teaching Credential must complete the following graduate education courses in sequence. • SEED 519 - Foundations of Education Unit(s): 2. • SEED 526 - Psychological Foundations of Education Unit(s): 3. • SEED 541 - Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Unit(s): 3. • SEED 520 - Elementary Reading / Language Arts Unit(s): 3. • or SEED 525 - Secondary Content Area Reading Unit(s): 3. • SEED 543 - Elementary Curriculum Unit(s): 3. • and SEED 544 - Elementary Curriculum Fieldwork Unit(s): 1. or • and SEED 546 - Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Unit(s): 1. and / either • SEED 512 - Elementary Student Teaching I Unit(s): 6. • SEED 513 - Elementary Student Teaching II Unit(s): 6. or • SEED 514 - Secondary Student Teaching I Unit(s): 6. • SEED 515 - Secondary Student Teaching II Unit(s): 6. • SEED 545 - Secondary Curriculum Unit(s): 3.

appropriate lessons, using the California state adopted academic content standards as a foundation. Each lesson will appropriately integrate aspects of God ʼ s natural revelation through the utilization of the contextual setting / assessment / instruction cycle. 6. Skilled at designing and implementing appropriate and effective learning strategies. Candidates assume appropriate responsibility for student learning through the intentional diagnosis of individual characteristics and classroom dynamics. Based on focused evaluation and reflection, candidates will design and implement suitable adaptations to ensure the attainment of a productive learning environment for each student enrolled in the candidate ʼ s class. 7. Devoted to creating a positive learning environment. Candidates maximize student learning by establishing clear and consistent policies and procedures, encouraging students to take intellectual risks, providing equal opportunity to learn, preventing racism and intolerance, and implementing classroom expectations to create freedom within boundaries protecting the rights of all in the community of learners. For students who have difficulty following classroom policy and procedures, candidates provide natural consequences that lead the distressed student back into the classroom community. Preliminary Credential Admission Requirements For graduate students who are earning credentials but not seeking a degree, the following admission requirements apply: • Hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution • Verify subject matter competency. Multiple Subject candidates must pass one subtest of the CSET: Multiple Subjects exam. Single Subject candidates must present a letter verifying completion of a state-approved subject matter program or evidence of passing one subtest of the CSET in their subject area • Present evidence of passing the CBEST or equivalent • Have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale • Verify possession of Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing • Complete Biola University ʼ s Graduate Education Application • Interview with a member of the School of Education Note: Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student ʼ s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution. Preliminary Credential Teacher Preparation Requirements After successfully completing the requirements below, candidates make an appointment with a credential analyst in the School of Education at Biola University and apply for the Preliminary Credential from the State of California ʼ s Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 1. CBEST All candidates must pass the California Basic Skills (CBEST) exam or equivalent.

3. Subject-Specific Pedagogy Courses

Secondary candidates must take the course respective to his or her subject: • SEED 533 - Single Subject Pedagogy Unit(s): 2. Elementary candidates must take the following subject- specific pedagogy courses: • SEED 507 - Art Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Unit(s): 1. • SEED 508 - Music Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Unit(s): 1. • SEED 509 - Elementary Mathematics / Science Workshop Unit(s): 2. • SEED 516 - Elementary Physical Education Workshop Unit(s): 1. • SEED 536 - Elementary Health Curriculum & Methods Unit(s): 1. • SEED 537 - Elementary History - Social Science Curriculum & Methods Unit(s): 1. • SEED 549 - Studies in Children's Literature Unit(s): 1. 4. Minimum GPA Requirements All education and subject-specific pedagogy courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher with the exception of the student teaching courses. Overall, a 2.75 GPA must be maintained in the teacher preparation course sequence. Student teaching courses must be completed with a grade of "B-" or higher for the candidate to be recommended for a Preliminary Teaching Credential.


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