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SEED 575 - Coaching Clear Credential Candidates Providing support for a Clear Credential Candidate to develop deeper and more complex application of skills and knowledge learned during the California preliminary credential program. Assist the Clear Credential Candidate to accomplish appropriate personal evaluation and setting of professional development growth goals and provide support for the Clear Credential Candidate to achieve his / her goals. Note(s): Restricted to formal application and approval. Must hold a California Clear Credential or its equivalent. Class may be taken for 1 unit of credit up to four times. Unit(s): 1. SEED 593 - Clear Credential Candidate Professional Development This course provides support for the Clear Credential Candidate to evaluate their beginning levels of teaching proficiency, proposed areas in which they wish to grow professionally, and to support them in achieving the professional growth goals identified to improve application of skills and knowledge learned during their preliminary credential program. Note(s): Restricted to submission of Coach and Placement Information Form. May be taken up to four times for credit. Unit(s): 3. SEED 594 - Action Research Graduate students study student-, classroom- and school-based problems. Students set up action plans to study results of interventions leading to performance-based improvement. Note(s): This course serves as the capstone course for the M.A.T. Restricted to petition to graduate. Unit(s): 3. SEED 595 - Comprehensive Examination Students who choose the Comprehensive Examination must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of study. The content of the Comprehensive Examination includes material from the M.A.Ed. core courses. Students may elect to complete the Comprehensive Examination in lieu of the Capstone Thesis (599) or Research Project (598). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 596 and TTBE 732. Note(s): Sign up for one unit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master ʼ s degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Unit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 596 - Professional Development Module Students explore their role as leaders in the educational community, examining the change process within the context of curricular innovations and moral leadership. Paths for the capstone process are examined. Unit(s): 1. SEED 597 - Independent Studies Subject matter and units earned by arrangement. Note(s): A maximum of 6 units may be taken. Restricted to School of Education approval. Unit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 598 - Research Project Students may elect to complete a research project or an instructional development project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. This option requires a written report and may be taken instead of the Comprehensive Examination (595) or the Capstone Thesis (599). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 596, and TTBE 732. Note(s): Sign up for one unit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master ʼ s degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Unit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 599 - Thesis Students may elect to complete a published thesis under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The thesis involves a literature review and qualitative and / or quantitative research. May be taken instead of the Comprehensive Examination (595) or the Research Project (598). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 596, and TTBE 732. Note(s): Sign up for one unit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master ʼ s degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Unit(s): 1 - 3.

SEED 601 - Character Development & Spiritual Formation Based on Scriptural teaching about knowing God, this course explores the deepening of one ʼ s relationship with God and how both teacher and student character is developed in the classroom context. Reviews literature related to spiritual formation, child, adolescent, and adult spirituality, examining the influences of Christian teachers in school and society. Compares character development and spiritual formation with character education movements. Prerequisite(s): 502, 554, and 524 with a grade of “B” or better (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Unit(s): 3. SEED 602 - Legal & Ethical Issues in Education Candidates study state and federal educational law, the legislative process, and the ethical impact of current and pending decisions within the context of a Christian worldview. Field experts and resources are introduced and action plans explored. Prerequisite(s): 502, 554, and 524 with a grade of “B” or better (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Unit(s): 3. SEED 603 - Assessment for School Improvement Teachers and school leaders must understand the connections between curriculum, teaching, assessment, and learning in order to achieve the desired results. Upon completion of this course, teachers and school leaders will possess the skills to direct, guide, stimulate and put into effect curriculum and assessment changes aligned with district, state, and national standards. Students will also demonstrate understanding of the necessary components to appropriately interpret standardized and informal assessments for group and individualized testing. Prerequisite(s): 502, 554, and 524 with a grade of “B” or better (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Unit(s): 3. SEED 604 - Induction I Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a Preliminary Credential and who are in a CCTC–approved district induction program may receive up to 12 units of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program. Note(s): Tuition for induction units is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Unit(s): 3. SEED 605 - Induction II Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a Preliminary Credential and who are in a CCTC–approved district induction program may receive up to 12 units of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program. Note(s): Tuition for induction units is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Unit(s): 3. SEED 606 - Induction III Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a Preliminary Credential and who are in a CCTC–approved district induction program may receive up to 12 units of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program. Note(s): Tuition for induction units is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Unit(s): 3. SEED 607 - Induction IV Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a Preliminary Credential and who are in a CCTC–approved district induction program may receive up to 12 units of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program. Note(s): Tuition for induction units is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Unit(s): 3.


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