Microsoft Word - 1112 reformatted catalog.docNA

SEED 615 - International Comparative Education Graduate students travel abroad to study a particular educational system, including assessment, curriculum, sociocultural values, administration, leadership, finance, accessibility, and spirituality. Note(s): See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3 - 6. SEED 616 - International Education–Fieldwork Graduate students collaborate with professors as they participate in K-12 schools and university settings, teacher conferences, or curriculum consultations in international and / or mission schools. Note(s): Restricted to School of Education approval. Fieldwork required. See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3 - 6. SEED 617 - Educational Models for Cross-Cultural Communities Graduate students analyze effective educational models for cross- cultural communities nationally and internationally, including curricular and assessment issues related to sending and receiving countries, particularly as it relates to international and mission school settings. Note(s): See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3. SEED 618 - Educational Technology for Global Education Graduate students analyze multiple models of distance education, particularly as it relates to serving the international, multicultural, multilingual community in the missions setting. Note(s): See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3. SEED 619 - Homeschooling: Philosophy, Curriculum, & Practice Study of the history and philosophy of homeschooling; current trends, models, and support organizations; curriculum; instruction; and spiritual development of the child in the homeschool setting. Includes national and international perspectives. Note(s): See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3. SEED 620 - Urban Education–Fieldwork Graduate students collaborate with professors and identified Urban School Administrators to study and analyze diverse challenges and critical issues within urban school settings and participate in teams to systematically develop strategies for curriculum integration and implementation throughout the teaching / learning experience. Note(s): Restricted to School of Education approval. Fieldwork required. See advisor for details. Unit(s): 3 - 6.


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