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Graduation Requirements The Master of Business Administration degree program has six distinct elements: 1. Prerequisite coursework, required for those without a business undergraduate degree (up to 15 units). 2. A common core of graduate courses (21 units). 3. A concentration of required theology courses (6 units). 4. An integrative business ethics course (3 units). 5. Approved MBA electives (6 units). 6. Participation in the MBA Mentor Program. A minimum of 36 units of graduate coursework is required for the Master of Business Administration degree. A student must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA to graduate. Students must retake a prerequisite before taking its related core course if they do not receive a "C" or above in the prerequisite. Students without a business undergraduate degree will require additional units (to a maximum of 15 units). A student taking all 15 units of leveling would have a total of 51 units in their program. A minimum of 30 graduate units must be completed in the Master of Business Administration program at Biola University. Students must meet with their department advisor and Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admissions, Registration & Graduation Requirements section).

Prerequisite Courses The 15 units of leveling courses can be required for students without an undergraduate degree in business. • MBAD 501 - Management Principles for Productivity Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 503 - Using Technology for Organizational Decisions Unit(s): 2. • MBAD 505 - Statistical Research Skills for Business Unit(s): 1. • MBAD 506 - Marketing from the Management Perspective Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 516 - Accounting & Finance for Decision Makers Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 520 - Business & Government in the Global Marketplace Unit(s): 3. Courses (MBAD) MBAD 501 - Management Principles for Productivity A study of management methods, emphasizing practical solutions to real-world problems. Students will learn to communicate effectively through the study of presentation concepts, including the use of computer presentation technology and the visual display of information. The last portion of the course will explore views of power acquisition and use from sociological, psychological, and managerial perspectives, placing these in submission to the authority of Scripture. The course concludes with each student creating a personal power acquisition and use policy that is presented to an evaluation panel. Unit(s): 3. MBAD 503 - Using Technology for Organizational Decisions Students will use common business computer tools to analyze numerous quantitative business problems from various functional areas, stressing logical deduction and interpretation in their solutions. Students will explore Biblical considerations in decision- making. Unit(s): 2. MBAD 505 - Statistical Research Skills for Business Students will examine methods for solving organizational problems using numerical data. Consideration is taken for the proper use of statistical research methods, with an understanding that people can be greatly affected by decisions made on the basis of such quantitative analysis. Unit(s): 1. MBAD 506 - Marketing from the Management Perspective Students learn to manage the marketing process in the context of the firm ʼ s strategies and objectives. Topics include marketing organizational structures, analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, developing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, and implementing and controlling the marketing effort. Throughout the course students will reflect on Biblical and ethical issues in marketing, and how they potentially affect the marketing management process. Unit(s): 3. MBAD 516 - Accounting & Finance for Decision Makers The objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to understand the complex accounting and financial data they will receive as operating managers. In particular, students will learn how to use the data as an effective management tool for coordinating managerial and organizational activities. Financial accounting, managerial accounting, and financial management are covered with consideration of international, economic, and legal issues. Students also consider the nature of numerical analysis as a description of reality, giving rise to ethical and other Biblical issues of interpretation. Unit(s): 3.

Calendar The program utilizes three 14-week trimesters.

Master of Business Administration Curriculum (36 units): Thirty-six (36) units of graduate courses are required for all MBA degrees in the Crowell School of Business, which include the 6 graduate units of theology and the 3 graduate units of business ethics: • MBAD 601 - Intensive: Group Dynamics Unit(s): 1. • MBAD 604 - Organizational Financial Policy Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 605 - Advanced Financial Management & Control Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 608 - Marketing Strategy Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 609 - New Techniques for Productivity in Operations Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 613 - Biblical Management & Ethics Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 630 - Entrepreneurial Management I Unit(s): 3. • MBAD 635 - Entrepreneurial Management II Unit(s): 2. • MBAD 640 - Current & Advanced Topics in

Entrepreneurial Studies Unit(s): 3. MBAD 640 must be taken twice.

MBAD 675 - Strategy & Entrepreneurial Project Management Unit(s): 3. TTTH 511 - Theology I - Introduction: Revelation & Nature of God Unit(s): 3.

• TTTH 613 - Theology III - Christ, Salvation & the Spirit Unit(s): 3.


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