Counseling Services Psychological/counseling services are available to graduate and undergraduate students for a minimal fee. The center is open year round for individual, couple and group counseling. Students who struggle with any number of issues are welcome. Inquiries may be made in person at the Biola Counseling Center, located at 12625 La Mirada Blvd., or by phone at (562) 903-4800. Non-medical emergency service is accessed through this same number during non-clinic hours. Career Development Career Development's mission is to assist students in discerning their callings in life and in transitioning into meaningful work. Our overarching vision is to train and assist students in decision- making that will impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Career Development website: • By providing counseling, assessment tools, programs and resources that facilitate the discovery of their unique design, whether in personality, interests, skills, values, strengths or gifts.
By educating students through a variety of means, including website resources, university classes, workshops, seminars or individual appointments.
• By integrating personal, spiritual and career development theory and practice into all aspects of what we do. • By connecting students with practical experiences that solidify their major choice and enhance their academic training, give opportunity for career exploration and develop workplace competencies. • By linking students to graduate programs, organizations, internships both domestically and abroad and employment opportunities. Writing Center The Writing Center, located in the Library, is a place where undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines and writing abilities can meet with trained writing consultants. These consultants help student writers revise current writing projects and help them develop writing skills that can be applied in courses across the academic spectrum. Appeals & Grievances Detailed information regarding grievances and appeals, whether in regard to scholarships, academic life, federal legislation or student conduct are found in the Student Handbook of each school. The undergraduate Student Handbook can be found online at
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