BBST 372 - Later History of Israel Kings and prophets from Solomon through the return from exile, emphasizing historical, cultural and theological issues that aid in interpreting events and texts. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109. Unit(s): 3. BBST 380 - Wisdom & Poetic Literature Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content of Job through Song of Songs. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109. Unit(s): 3. BBST 391 - Major Prophets Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109. Unit(s): 3. BBST 392 - Minor Prophets Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theological issues, literary structure and content. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109. Unit(s): 3. BBST 411 - New Testament Theology Method, practice and history of the discipline. May emphasize selected writers or themes. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 110, 251, 254. Note(s): Bible majors only. Unit(s): 3. BBST 412 - Old Testament Theology Method, practice and history of the discipline. May emphasize selected writers, themes or eras. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109, Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and / or topics. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 110. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Unit(s): 1 - 3. BBST 440 - Advanced Study: Old Testament 251, 254. Note(s): Bible majors only. Unit(s): 3. BBST 430 - Advanced Study: New Testament Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and / or topics. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Unit(s): 1 - 3. BBST 450 - Advanced Study: Systematic Theology Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and / or topics from either or both testaments, thematically arranged to emphasize biblical, historical and / or systematic theology. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 251, 254. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Unit(s): 1 - 3. BBST 455 - Pauline Theology—Romans Study of Paul ʼ s theology and worldview as contained in the book of Romans, with special attention given to introductory and historical matters. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 110, 251, 254. Note(s): Bible majors only. Unit(s): 3. BBST 458 - Theology of Mission Study of God ʼ s redemptive acts in Scripture in behalf of mankind, with application to the mission of the church today. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109, 110, 251, 254, 306. Unit(s): 3. BBST 465 - Integration Seminar Senior level capstone seminar in which the student will search the Bible and the literature dealing with the topic(s) under discussion in the course leading to the discovery of means whereby the subject area may be “integrated” with Biblical truth. The results of the research will be incorporated in a paper or project which will be critiqued by the seminar members and by the professor. Prerequisite(s): 103, 105, 109, 110, 251, 254. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Unit(s): 3.
BBST 480 - Directed Research Guided independent reading, research, problem-solving and preparation of a formal paper or project done in consultation with a selected professor. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward
graduation. Unit(s): 1 - 3. BBST 490 - Practicum
Supervised experience in teaching biblical studies. Includes course preparation, observation and evaluation. Note(s): May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Unit(s): 1 - 3.
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