Talbot School of Theology
Addressing Common Pastoral Counseling Concerns Counseling Troubled Families Issues and Ethics in Ministry
Personal Foundations of Spirituality and Retreat
TTPT 716
TTSF 543
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2.
Credit(s): 1–3.
TTSF 543 should be taken for 2 credits. TTSF 544 Personality Development and Psychopathology
TTPT 725 TTPT 740
Credit(s): 3.
Elective Requirements (4 or 5 Credits) Students electing to write a thesis reduce the overall program from 98 to 97 credits. Thesis Track (4 Credits) TTHE 797 Thesis First Draft: M.Div. Credit(s): 2. TTHE 798 Thesis Final Draft: M.Div. Credit(s): 2. Non-Thesis Track (5 Credits) CHOOSE 5 credits of general electives. Spiritual Formation Core Requirements (54 Credits) Students enrolling in the Spiritual Formation concentration will take the following core courses in place of the Core Requirements section listed above. TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis–Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew–Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTBE 726
Soul Care Pre-practicum I and Professional Ethics
TTSF 577
Credit(s): 2–3.
TTSF 577 should be taken for 2 credits. TTSF 578 Soul Care Pre-practicum II and Professional Referral TTSF 585 must be taken every semester. TTSF 602 TTSF 585 Personal Spiritual Direction Prayer and Formation in Expository Preaching TTSF 602 to be taken with TTPT 609. TTSF 670 TTSF 670 to be taken for 1 credit, twice. TTSF 677 Soul Care Practicum I
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 0.
Credit(s): 1.
Intensive Journey Inward and Retreat
Credit(s): 1–4.
Credit(s): 2. TTPT 791 may be taken in place of TTSF 677 if taken for 2 credits. TTSF 678 Soul Care Practicum II Credit(s): 2. TTPT 792 may be taken in place of TTSF 678 if taken for 2 credits.
Expositional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
Elective Requirements (6 Credits) CHOOSE 6 credits of general electives. OR CHOOSE 3 credits of general electives and TTSF 531. TTSF 531 Co-Curricular Requirements 1. Personal Spiritual Direction (TTSF 585) 2. Didactic Therapy 3. Faculty-Student Retreats 4. Personal Retreats 5. Student Progress Assessment 6. Intensive Journey Inward Retreat (TTSF 670) Master of Theology, Talbot Director: Rob Price, Ph.D. Mission
Patristic and Medieval Theology Reformation and Modern Theology
TTHT 505 TTHT 506 TTNT 503
Introduction to Exegesis
TTNT 501 and 502 are prerequisites to this course. TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels
History and Traditions of Christian Spirituality Credit(s): 3.
Exegesis in the Epistles Elements of Hebrew I Elements of Hebrew II
TTNT 605 TTOT 603 TTOT 604 TTOT 705 TTPT 602 TTPT 609 TTTH 511
Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages
Pastoral Ministry
Expository Preaching
Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin Theology III - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit
Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 512
Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 613
Credit(s): 3.
The mission of the Master of Theology program is to equip students with specialized academic knowledge and advanced professional skills in one of the theological disciplines in order to advance the cause of Christ in theological higher education and the Christian community. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Master of Theology, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate, at an appropriately advanced level, the knowledge and skills most pertinent to their major, such as: knowledge of the Bible and of relevant languages, cultures, and major interpreters; and skills of biblical interpretation, doctrinal formulation, and critical analysis (ULO 1). 2. Formulate a productive research question and conduct advanced research and writing on this topic (ULO 2). 3. Demonstrate an understanding of pedagogical strategies and effective teaching methods (ULO 3). Program Description The Master of Theology curriculum is a challenging post-graduate degree program designed to equip students with specialized academic knowledge and advanced professional skills in one of the theological disciplines. The program is of special interest to students who aspire to teach—whether in the church, a Bible college or seminary, an extension center, or in a cross-cultural setting. This is in accord with both A.T.S. (Association of Theological Schools) and
Theology IV - The Church and Last Things Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 614
Choose one of the following: TTPH 602 Apologetics
Credit(s): 3.
Evangelism and Follow-Up
Credit(s): 3.
Concentration Specific Requirements (38 Credits) ISCL 555 Introduction to World Missions
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
Educational Ministry in the Church
TTCE 600 TTPT 703 TTSF 517
The Church and Society Hermeneutics and the Word in Spiritual Formation
Credit(s): 3.
TTBE 517 may be taken in the place of TTSF 517. TTSF 521 Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer TTSF 521 should be taken for 2 credits. TTSF 524 History and Theory of Christian Soul Care and Direction TTSF 524 should be taken for 2 credits. TTSF 532 Developmental Spirituality and Contemplative Prayer TTSF 532 should be taken for 2 credits.
Credit(s): 1–3.
Credit(s): 2–3.
Credit(s): 2–3.
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