
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

TTPT 717 - Research Seminar I In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–2. TTPT 718 - Research Seminar II In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–2. TTPT 722 - Small Group Discipleship An examination of the role of small groups in the local church for developing biblical community. Emphasis is placed on understanding interpersonal relationships, character development and skills for organizing and leading a small group ministry. When Offered: Spring. Note(s): Required of M.Div. (Evangelism and Discipleship) students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 723 - Integration in Jewish Studies Intended as a capstone seminar, this course will summarize and apply the primary lessons learned throughout the program in Jewish Studies. The integration of learning in this course is designed to better equip those entering or continuing in the field of Messianic Jewish ministry. Students will be expected to share the findings of their thesis research and/or field education with a view toward refinement and development of further A comparison of positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The development of a team approach to intervention, enrichment and equipping for ministry to families. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 628, 707 or their equivalents. Note(s): Required of M.Div. and M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 726 - Creative Preaching An exploration of innovative ways to proclaim God’s Word, such as dramatic narrative, voice-over, audience participation, interview format, and video integration. This course will equip the student to creatively communicate the Bible with cultural relevance and scriptural fidelity. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTPT 728 - Mentoring in Ministry Study and practice of mentoring in the context of ministry and preparation for ministry. Students will be exposed to mentoring in a variety of contexts and distill the most important processes of mentoring for ministry. The major proportion of the course will put students into the practice of mentoring where mentoring processes can be experienced first hand. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 730 - Biblical Leadership and Management The biblical basis for organizational management and leadership. Examination of the process of planning, organizing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made applicable to Christian service and ministry. Note(s): Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and General investigation. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 725 - Counseling Troubled Families This course is an exploration of biblical texts related to the personal use of money and possessions with the outcome of leading students to develop a biblical worldview of money that translates into a way of life. Attention will be placed on practical implementation of God’s financial principles in the students’ church ministry context and family situations. Topics to be covered: materialism and spirituality, honesty, giving, counsel, savings, debt, credit, work, eternity, and church financial education. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 740 - Issues and Ethics in Ministry A study of the ethical issues unique to the pastor, his family and the congregation. An examination of theological and psychological aspects of pastoral care, including ethical issues, networking with other health care professionals, management of the practice of church discipline, and equipping of the laity for pastoral care ministries. Note(s): Required of M.Div. and M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTPT 741 - Preaching Narrative Literature A great deal of scripture was written in narrative format. This course will equip students to properly interpret the story portions of the Old and New Testament, and assist them in preaching this literature with new confidence and power. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. Ministries) students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 732 - Money and Ministry: Biblical Study

TTPT 742 - Preaching the Wisdom and Poetic Literature of the Old Testament A genre sensitive approach to interpreting and communicating the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, with the goal of equipping the student to capture the insights and spiritual impact of this literature. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 743 - Preaching to the Post-Modern Mind This course will explore how the increasingly influential postmodern worldview impacts the preaching event. The class will give the modern preacher the homiletical tools necessary to function effectively in this intellectual environment. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 745 - Issues in Spiritual Warfare A multidisciplinary and critical examination of a variety of contemporary models of deliverance ministry, exorcism, and inner healing prayer therapies. This course develops a biblical/theological/historical perspective, explores the cultural and anthropological dimensions, and investigates the psychological dynamics related to this phenomena. The goal is to develop a practical and eclectic model that is biblically grounded. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTPT 750 - Directed Study Reading and research in selected areas of study. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTPT 760 - Seminar Selected topics in the field of ministry. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. TTPT 774 - The Family of the Christian Leader A consideration of the special and unique challenges faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTPT 775 - Parent Education in Ministry Review of the history of parenting, biblical injunctions and models of parenting, and current research on parenting. Then the development of parent education modules for conferences, seminars, workshops, learning groups or preaching series. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTPT 791 - Field Internship Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in various phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of field experience each semester are evaluated in classroom interaction. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 591, 592, 691, 692; completion of 48 hours of the M.Div. program. Restriction(s): M.Div. (Pastoral and General Ministries, Evangelism and Discipleship) students only. Note(s): Christian Education students see TTCE 791–792; Missions and Intercultural Studies students see ISCL 791–792; Pastoral Care and Counseling see TTPT 693, 694, and 695. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 0–2. TTPT 792 - Field Internship Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in various phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of field experience each semester are evaluated in classroom interaction. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): TTPT 591, 592, 691, 692; completion of 48 hours of the M.Div. program. Restriction(s): M.Div. (Pastoral and General Ministries, Evangelism and Discipleship) students only. Note(s): Christian Education students see TTCE 791–792; Missions and Intercultural Studies students see ISCL 791–792; Pastoral Care and Counseling see TTPT 693, 694, and 695. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 0–2. TTPT 802 - Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling A study of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counseling the spiritually afflicted are also considered. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTPT 880 - Directed Research In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3.


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