
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

TTSF 627 - Theology of the Holy Spirit A theological, philosophical and experiential investigation into the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the Church. The goal is to lay certain biblical and true groundwork for understanding the nature of the person in the Spirit as it relates to sin, salvation, spiritual formation and discipleship. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 629 - Discipleship and the Life of Christ An investigation into the nature of Christian discipleship and the life of Christ as portrayed in the Gospels and interpreted in Christian spiritual literature. Spiritual formation is explored in terms of discipleship and imitation of Christ. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 642 - Spiritual Disciplines Seminar A theological and experiential exploration into the panoply of spiritual disciplines sanctioned by the Bible and developed throughout Church history. The emphasis is upon understanding their nature and relationship to personal growth, identifying their pathological manifestation and appreciating their impact in one’s personal and community experience. Topics may include various approaches to prayer, fasting, solitude, acts of service, meditation etc. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): Required of all SF M.A. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 645 - Christian Virtue and the Spiritual Disciplines An introduction to ethics including the nature of personal character, virtues and vices, and their relationship to the spiritual disciplines as means of spiritual growth into the image of Christ. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): Required of all SF M.A. and M.Div. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2–3. TTSF 670 - Intensive Journey Inward and Retreat M.Div. and M.A. Soul Care students are required to have a total of three weeks of extended off-campus retreat in isolation or partial isolation to explore and cultivate the inner life in the presence of God under the supervision of a spiritual guide (as designated or permitted by the faculty) and one’s advisor. The first half of this classroom course, taken early in the program (2 credits for M.A. Soul Care students, 1 credit for M.Div.), will cover theory and preparation for the retreat. The second half of the course (2 credits for M.A. Soul Care students, 1 credit for M.Div.), taken late in the program, and after completing the retreat, will serve to debrief and further understand the retreat process. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTSF 672 - Personal Retreat and Formation Each M.A. concentration and Certificate student is required to go on one weekend retreat (Friday to Sunday) each semester for the purpose of cultivating the inner life before God (a total of four weekend retreats or two for Certificate). This is to be done in consultation with one’s designated spiritual mentor and one’s advisor before and after the experience. Student costs for such retreats are the responsibility of each student. The first half of this classroom course, taken early in the program (2 credits for both M.A. concentration and Certificate students), will cover theory and preparation for retreat. The second half (2 credits for M.A. concentration only), taken late in the program, and after completing the retreats, will serve to debrief and further understand the retreat process. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTSF 677 - Soul Care Practicum I Students practice and complete a specified number of hours of individual spiritual mentoring of others while enrolled in Soul Care Practicum I. Work is done at a faculty approved site (Biola, church setting etc.) under the supervision of faculty. This also includes a weekly small group which focuses on theoretical training as well as individual supervision and training throughout the semester to foster personal growth and insight into the work of doing spiritual mentoring. Prerequisite(s): TTSF 578. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): Required of M.A. Soul Care students, optional for M.Div. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2.

TTSF 678 - Soul Care Practicum II This is the second course in which students practice and complete a designated number of hours of individual spiritual direction of others. Work is done at a faculty approved site (Biola, church setting etc.) under the supervision of faculty. This also includes weekly small group experience which focuses on theoretical training as well as individual supervision and training throughout the semester to foster personal growth and insight into the work of doing spiritual soul care. Prerequisite(s): TTSF 677. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): Required of M.A. Soul Care students, optional for M.Div. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2. TTSF 679 - Soul Care Post-Practicum A continuation of supervised practicum experience. Students who have successfully completed Pre-practicum I and II and Practicum I and II may continue in individual and group spiritual direction at various sites and with increased responsibility. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): By arrangement only. If taken for 3 credits, may be used as substitute for TTSF 701 Spiritual Formation Seminar. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 701 - Spiritual Formation Seminar Yearly required seminars during Interterm are offered under this course designation which focus upon some issue, controversy or dimension in the area of spiritual formation. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Note(s): Required of all SF M.A. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 703 - Spiritual Friendships and Community This course explores the place of community and human intimacy in happiness and our journey to God. Attention is given to the varied nature and types of spiritual relationships that exist in the body of Christ, destructive dynamics that hinder healthy friendships, and ways to foster this unique love in light of our general commitment to love one another under God. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 704 - God, Evil and Suffering in the Life of Prayer A theoretical and personal (theological-psychological) exploration into the nature of God, His sovereignty and purposes as they relate to evil, human growth and suffering and our life of prayer with God. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 705 - Prayer Seminar Exploration of prayer in the Scriptures and how the Church throughout history understood the relationship of prayer to personal and corporate growth. Attention is given to identifying various psychological defenses which may emerge in the life of prayer. Topics may include prayers in the Bible, liturgical prayer, lectio divina, recollection, centering prayer, the Jesus prayer, conversational prayer, prayer in the family, etc. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 707 - Personality Dynamics and Spirituality An introduction to the personality dynamics involved in interpersonal relationships, including one’s relationship with God. Special attention is given to styles of being and relating, defense mechanisms that hinder growth and maturity, and the dynamics of guilt, anxiety, anger and forgiveness. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 709 - Existential Spirituality and Soul Care Exploration of a depth-existential approach to understanding the person, particularly as it interfaces with Christian Spirituality and theology. Attention is given to key themes in existential spirituality and psychology such as anxiety, despair, hope, self, ego, transference, insight, meaning, love, freedom, feelings, journey and the nature of “encounter.” Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTSF 711 - Topics in Christian Spiritual Soul Care and Direction Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation which focus upon some issue, controversy or dimension in the area of soul care, mentoring and spiritual direction. Restriction(s): Institute for Spiritual Formation program course; open to students in Spiritual Formation academic programs only. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3.


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