
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

Thesis Objectives

TTTH 730 - Pauline Theology The main themes of Paul’s doctrine from the biblical theological perspective. Cross-listed: TTNT 759. Prerequisite(s): TTNT 501, 502.

Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2–3. TTTH 740 - The Doctrine of the Atonement

There are two consecutive thesis seminars for master’s-level students electing to write a thesis (Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft). These seminars are taken during the student’s last year. During the third semester before graduation, the student must, with the approval of a major advisor, select a thesis subject, do research, and develop an outline and bibliography. During the final year, the thesis can be written in conjunction with these two courses. See the Talbot student handbook and library handbook for dates, deadlines and requirements. The progression of the thesis sequence is Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft. Should a student need more time to develop the first draft, Thesis Continuous Registration may be taken. Once the student is enrolled in Thesis Final Draft, the thesis must be completed within that term. Courses TTHE 793 - Thesis First Draft: M.A Required for M.A. (Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Biblical and Theological Studies) students electing to write a thesis. Note(s): This course to be taken only by students enrolled in the M.A. program prior to Fall 2014. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: C. Credit(s): 0. TTHE 794 - Thesis Final Draft: M.A Required for M.A. (Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Biblical and Theological Studies) students electing to write a thesis. Note(s): This course to be taken only by students enrolled in the M.A. program prior to Fall 2014. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: V. Credit(s): 0. TTHE 797 - Thesis First Draft: M.Div. Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be taken after the completion of 64 credits. Neither this course nor TTHE 798 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. Grade Mode: C. Credit(s): 2. TTHE 798 - Thesis Final Draft: M.Div. Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be taken at the completion of 80 credits. Neither this course nor TTHE 797 is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. Grade Mode: V. Credit(s): 2. TTHE 799 - Thesis Continuous Registration Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the thesis are required to register for this course to maintain degree status. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: C. Credit(s): 0. TTHE 891 - Thesis First Draft: Th.M. Required for all Th.M. students electing to write a thesis. Grade Mode: D. Credit(s): 3. TTHE 892 - Thesis Final Draft: Th.M. Required for all Th.M. students electing to write a thesis. Grade Mode: V. Credit(s): 3. TTHE 899 - Thesis: Th.M. Continuous Registration Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the thesis are required to register for this course to maintain degree status. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: V. Credit(s): 0.

A study of the biblical meaning and significance of the atoning work of Christ including a survey of the significant historical interpretations of the doctrine. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2–3. TTTH 751 - Theology of Mission An introduction to theology of missions that focuses on the biblical basis for mission. This study seeks to examine the motives, aims and methods of mission from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 761 - Directed Study Supervised reading and research in selected areas of systematic or biblical theology. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTTH 771 - Theology Seminar The study of selected areas of systematic or biblical theology. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Elective. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTTH 781 - Legal Evidence and Apologetics An exploration of legal reasoning, legal evidence, and legal advocacy tactics with respect to how these concepts and methods may be employed in polemical theology and apologetics. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 782 - Theology of Church and State A theological examination of the relationship between the church and the state. Also an analysis of the jurisprudence and case law related to the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 806 - Theology Seminar Selected problems in the fields of systematic or biblical theology. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. TTTH 817 - Advanced Ecclesiology An intensive study of significant aspects of the church related to its nature, purpose and organization. Particular attention directed to current problem areas. Prerequisite(s): TTTH 614 or the equivalent in ecclesiology. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 829 - The Doctrine of the Kingdom An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdom of God and its progressive development within history. The course includes discussion of historical and contemporary theological positions with emphasis upon the biblical teaching in its historical framework. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 880 - Directed Research Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Note(s): Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. TTTH 891 - Research Seminar Discussion and application of the central areas of theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Fee: $50. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. TTTH 892 - Research Seminar Discussion and application of the central areas of theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it and writing the results. Note(s): Second semester taken to continue research in an area of interest. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 2.


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