
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

Theology Reduction Students entering Rosemead with a minimum of 30 undergraduate credits of Bible and/or Theology from accredited Christian colleges or universities may be eligible for a reduction of required Theology courses. To qualify for this reduction students must have earned no lower than a “B-” grade in the undergraduate coursework. Content of the undergraduate courses must be compatible with the Theology course(s) being waived. Reduction credits will be determined by the Registrar’s Office in consultation with Rosemead’s Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee. Unofficial Withdrawal A student who fails to register in any given semester without arranging for a leave of absence or formal withdrawal is eliminated from the program by default. Leave of Absence Inactive students are those who have requested and been granted a leave of absence from their program. A leave of absence may be granted upon petition for change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for interrupting the program and intention to return to the program. Change of status forms are available from the Rosemead Office. A leave of absence must be renewed by petition each semester and may not exceed two consecutive semesters. A leave of absence longer than two semesters will require withdrawal from the program and a petition for readmission if the student later wishes to regain active status. The committee responsible for processing readmission requests is the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee. Each leave of absence must receive the approval of the student’s advisor and the final approval of the Dean. Students on leave are required to register for RSPY 790 - Leave of Absence for each term. Terminated Students A person whose program has been terminated may make reapplication to the program a minimum of two years after termination. The reapplication should be in the form of a letter and include a new application form, at least two current references and any desired supporting materials. The letter should be addressed to the Rosemead Admissions Committee stating the reasons for requesting readmittance as well as any other issues deemed relevant by the applicant. The letter should directly address the causes for program termination. The application will be considered with the regular admissions pool. The admissions committee will review the request and may take one of two actions: A. Deny the request; or B. Approve the request and refer to faculty for final approval or disapproval. The results of the faculty decision will be communicated to the applicant by the Dean. Readmission Procedures A student who has attended Biola University and has dropped out for one semester or longer will be required to file an application for readmission and pay a fee of $15. Readmission requires the submission of a formal petition for readmission, action by the Admissions and Academic Qualifications Committee, and final approval of the Dean. This policy is in effect for students in any status, including internship and dissertation. Graduation Requirements The major M.A., Psy.D. and Ph.D. degree requirements are summarized under each program. Since all students take a set of basic courses in scientific psychology as well as in clinical psychology and theology, the first two years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. programs are very similar.

Psychotherapy Laboratory (RSLB) This series of elective courses is designed to effect a working integration of conceptual and experimental aspects of psychotherapy. Ph.D. students are required to take 12 credits of RSLB courses, and Psy.D. students, 21 credits. Each course includes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychotherapy model followed in the specific course. Completion of RSPY 501, 515 and 680 or 681 and 682 or their equivalent is required before enrollment in these courses is permitted. All RSLB courses have limited enrollments. Students must have access to appropriate client pools through their practica unless clients are obtained through the RSLB course. Theology/Biblical Studies (RSTH) This series of courses provides students with essential biblical and theological understanding prerequisite to effective integration of the disciplines of psychology and theology. (18 credits required.) Integration of Psychology and Theology (RSTP) Rosemead’s curriculum is distinguished by a series of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationships between theological and psychological concepts and data. These seminars constitute an essential part of Rosemead training and offer students an opportunity to become involved in a creative application of shared insights from these related disciplines. Each student must take RSTP 500 and additional integration seminars to total 12 credits. Intercultural Studies (ISCL) Students may apply up to 6 credits of the following courses toward the psychology graduation requirement. These courses are not substitutes for required Rosemead courses. Course descriptions are given under the Cook School of Intercultural Studies section of the catalog. • ISCL 520 - Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment  Credit(s): 3. • ISCL 747 - Christianity and Culture  Credit(s): 3. Clinical Psychology, Psy.D. Mission The mission of the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology is to produce graduates who can integrate the science and practice of psychology with Christian theology, and who are prepared to meet the psychological needs of the world in general and the Christian community specifically through professional service and scholarship. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of clinical psychology, including (ULO 1):

• therapeutic relationships (1.A.a) • professional relationships (1.A.b) • ethics (1.A.d)

• assessment (1.B.a,b) • intervention (1.C.a) • multicultural issues (1.D.a) • consultation and supervision (1.E.a) • research methodology (2.A.a) • Bible, theology, and integration (3.A.a,b) 2. Graduates will exhibit professional attitudes, empathy, and self- reflection, including (ULO 2): • therapeutic relationships (1.A.a) • professional relationships (1.A.b) • awareness of self and impact on others (1.A.c) • ethics (1.A.d) • multicultural issues (1.D.a) 3. Graduates will demonstrate entry level professional skills in (ULO 3): • psychotherapy (1.A.a; 1.C.a) • assessment (1.B.a,b) • application of research to practice (2.A.a)

Course Descriptions Graduate Psychology (RSPY)

Courses under this designation provide the essential scientific and theoretical foundation for advanced graduate study in clinical psychology.


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