
Rosemead School of Psychology

• research methodology (2.A.a) • Bible, theology, and integration (3.A.a,b) 2. Exhibit professional attitudes, empathy, and self-reflection, including (ULO 2): • therapeutic relationships (1.A.a) • professional relationships (1.A.b) • awareness of self and impact on others (1.A.c) • ethics (1.A.d) • multicultural issues (1.D.a) 3. Demonstrate entry level professional skills in (ULO 3): • psychotherapy (1.A.a; 1.C.a) • assessment (1.B.a,b) • application of research to practice (2.A.a) Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology Although Rosemead does not offer a terminal Master’s program, a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology is granted after the completion of the first two years of either the Ph.D. or Psy.D. curriculum, including: A. A minimum of 45 semester credits in psychology (including practicum). B. A minimum of 9 semester credits in theology, 3 credits in statistics, and 3 credits in ethics. C. A minimum of one year of resident graduate work (the final semester must be in residence). D. A transfer maximum of 9 credits in psychology may be counted toward the M.A. in Clinical Psychology. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology 1. Residence and Coursework Normally, four years of residency are required unless transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted. While the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated course work, there are basic credit requirements for the degree (133 semester credits). Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester’s schedule of courses and supervises the student’s progress in the program. For transfer credit, see General Academic Information. Psychology: Ph.D. students must complete a minimum of 79 semester credits of psychology in addition to a doctoral dissertation. These 79 credits include 50 credits in required courses, 12 credits of practicum that must be taken in residence, 4 credits of Master’s-level research apprenticeship, and 13 credits of psychology electives. Students may apply up to 6 credits of graduate coursework from the Cook School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology elective credit requirement. Psychotherapy Laboratory: Students in the Ph.D. program must complete at least 12 credits selected from psychotherapy lab courses. These are taken during the second, third and fourth years. Theology: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a minimum of 18 semester credits. Integration Seminars: All students participate in a series of seminars (12 credits) devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts in research, theory and practice. Dissertation Research: 12 credits of dissertation research are required prior to granting the Ph.D. 2. Progress Evaluations Each year students are evaluated on their general progress toward completion of degree requirements. These evaluations include review of each student’s academic skills, clinical skills, and personal/interpersonal/spiritual growth as required by the program. Because all of these areas are integral to the practice

of clinical psychology and the distinctive of Rosemead’s program, deficiencies in any of them may result in program termination. However, the general objective of such evaluation is to provide feedback conducive to continued growth and development toward successful completion of the degree, high quality of service to clients, and high level of professional competence. Procedures and processes for the evaluations are specified in the Rosemead Student Handbook. 3. Comprehensive Examinations All students must pass a set of doctoral-level comprehensive examinations covering the following areas: (1) psychological assessment and intervention, (2) integration of psychology and theology, and (3) ethics. These examinations are given two times annually and serve as the major means of evaluating a student’s suitability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The examinations may be taken after completion of 75% (100 credits) of the course work and must be taken prior to the Professional Qualifying Exam. Only one retake of the examination is allowed. The dates of the Comprehensive Examinations are specified in the Academic Calendar. 4. Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an advanced stage in the student’s progress. In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have: Successfully completed the Second Year Evaluation Passed the Comprehensive Research Examination Passed the Comprehensive Examinations Received approval of dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee Completed training therapy experience 5. Professional Qualifying Exam All doctoral students must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the student’s readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be completed prior to acceptance of an internship. Only one retake of the exam is allowed. The examining committee may require the student to complete additional coursework, practicum, or other professional growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Exam Guidelines in the student handbook for further details. 6. Internship All students are required to successfully complete a one year, full-time clinical internship prior to graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Committee. For further details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Also, all students need to meet with a Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar to have their internship eligibility confirmed one year prior to their internship. Internship Fees are listed in the Psychology course section (RSTN 731 Internship). There is some provision for students to complete this requirement in two years at half-time. 7. Completion of Training Therapy Experience All students must receive certification of completion of training therapy from the Director of Clinical Training. A minimum of 36 hours of interpersonal therapy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines in the student handbook for further details. 8. Completion of Comprehensive Research Examination All Ph.D. students must pass a Comprehensive Research Exam given at the completion of their Advanced Research Design course. 9. Dissertation A dissertation evidencing high attainment in original scholarship must be submitted by all Ph.D. candidates. All dissertation credits must be accrued prior to internship. Three weeks prior to expected graduation the candidate must submit to the Rosemead Dean the original and four copies of the dissertation approved by the dissertation committee and Biola librarian.


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