
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

C ook S chool of I ntercultural S tudies Faculty Dean:

September 15. Applications may be submitted after deadlines (late fees apply) but will only be considered if space and time allow. Late applications may be postponed to later terms. Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student’s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution. Doctor of Missiology Completion of at least three years of continuous ministry experience in a cross-cultural, multi-cultural or cross-sub-cultural setting. An appropriate accredited master’s degree of which at least 9 credits will be in biblical and theological studies. A 3.0 GPA in their previous graduate studies is required for admission. Doctor of Philosophy An accredited master’s degree or its equivalent appropriate to the Ph.D. is required for admission. Students must have a GPA of 3.30 in their previous graduate studies. Three years of cross-cultural experience plus proficiency in a second language is preferred for students pursuing the PhD in Intercultural Studies. Three years of teaching experience in a cross-cultural or multicultural setting or its equivalent is expected of students pursuing the Ph.D. in Intercultural Education. Admission of International Students Admittance to the Ph.D. programs requires the following scores on the TOEFL: 100 iBT/600 PBT/250 CBT. The admissions committee may require an oral interview.CSICS reserves the right to waive a retake of the TOEFL test for Ph.D. international student applicants who enter CSICS with Talbot School of Theology degrees who have met Talbot’s requirements for International students and CSICS. Requests to waive this requirement must be made to the CSICS doctoral committee. Summer Institute of Linguistics In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Biola offers a number of linguistics courses which can provide an emphasis for students planning for mission work in language analysis/ Bible translation. This 21-credit program combines five linguistics courses (ISAL 520 or 646, 521, 523 or 622, 525 or 624, 654) and two anthropology courses (ISAN 507, ISCL 520). (For full details on these courses see the course descriptions in the Intercultural Studies and In cooperation with ELIC, the University offers, through the Cook School of Intercultural Studies (CSICS), a portion of the Ph.D. program in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Studies include summer courses at the La Mirada campus and January sessions in Chiang Mai. All residency requirements can be completed through on-campus modular courses. Interested students should contact the Admissions Office of Biola University. Numbering of CSICS Courses In CSICS, courses numbered in the 500-600 level are normally considered to be master’s level courses. Courses numbered in the 700 level can be taken by both MA level and doctoral level students. Courses numbered in the 800 level are normally considered to be doctoral level courses only. Master’s students wishing to take 800 level classes must receive permission from the instructor. Doctoral level students wishing to take classes below the 700 level must do so by arrangement with their academic advisor and the professor of record. Extension Centers Both the Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies and the Doctor of Missiology are offered in a modular format in our extension centers. Currently, our Chiang Mai, Thailand and European extension centers have full accreditation through WASC and both degrees can be completed there without any time in residency on our La Mirada Campus. Students wishing to pursue either of our Ph.D. degrees through our extension centers must complete at least one half of their coursework on campus (24 credits). Students in other on- campus programs may participate in the extension center courses with the approval of the Distance Education Administrator and their academic advisor. Applied Linguistics and TESOL sections of this catalog.) English Language Institute China (ELIC) at Biola

F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Hayward, Lessard-Clouston, Purgason, Steffen Campbell, Decker, Greene, Liang, McMahan, Pennoyer, Pittle, S. Russell, Sappington, Starcher, Yeh S. Barber, Floyd, McEwen, Langenwalter


Associate Professors:

Assistant Professors:

Mission The Cook School of Intercultural Studies exists to equip students to communicate, live, and work effectively in culturally diverse contexts to make disciples of all peoples and impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. Overview The Cook School of Intercultural Studies consists of four departments: the Department of Intercultural Studies - Undergraduate programs; the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Intercultural Studies - Graduate programs; and the Department of Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ALT). The Department of Intercultural Studies - Graduate programs offers graduate programs leading to two master’s degrees and three doctoral degrees. The Department of Anthropology offers a graduate program of study leading to a master’s degree in Anthropology. These programs emphasize the social sciences and their relation to intercultural understanding, world mission, education and a number of technical specialties related to these topics. The Department of Applied Linguistics and TESOL (ALT) offers the three master’s degree programs: Applied Linguistics, Linguistics and Biblical Languages, and TESOL. The graduate program in Applied Linguistics deals with issues involved in second-language learning, analysis, teaching and research. The graduate program in Linguistics and Biblical Languages educates students to be skilled in exegesis and translation for Bible translation around the world. The graduate program in TESOL provides professional preparation for English language teaching among speakers of other languages. Graduate Information Admission Requirements All M.A., D.Miss. and Ph.D. students must meet the following requirements: 1. Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade- point average. Graduates from approved, unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, if GPA is 3.4 or higher. Graduates from approved, unaccredited colleges may be required to take additional liberal arts course work (not applicable toward the graduate degree), if their undergraduate program did not include these courses. 2. Those without intercultural/missions, Bible/theology, or anthropology may have additional coursework added to their program. 3. Applicants must submit a written statement outlining their vocational objectives and how the degree will relate to those objectives. Applicants should attach a one-page, typewritten letter to the application. 4. Three letters of references on forms supplied by the school are required. 5. Official transcripts for all previous schools attended are required. 6. Application deadlines. M.A. and D.Miss programs: Fall is August 1, Spring is January 1; Ph.D.: Fall is January 31, Spring is


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