
Biola University 2014–15 Catalog

ISAN 586 - Biblical Archaeology: Ancient Near East The history of archeology and literature of the ancient near east and the bearing of archaeological findings on the interpretation of the Old Testament. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 501 or TTBE 519. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 587 - Biblical Archaeology: Palestine The history of excavation, the history and geography of Palestine and how archaeological findings have bearing upon Biblical interpretation. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 501, TTBE 519. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 588 - California Native Americans Survey of native California groups indigenous to the state at the beginning of the historic period. Environmental and technological adaptations, social organization, religious systems, art, and culture change are explored. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 509. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 589 - Bioarchaeology Exploration of the theory and methods of the study and preservation of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites. Topics include nutrition, disease, injury, and population history. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 591 - Human Paleontology Survey of the human fossil record focusing on the functional and behavioral significance of important morphological changes within the fossil record. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 502. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 593 - Human Variation Study of the processes and theories for the existence of the present variation between and within human populations, the genetics of human populations and the significance of racial classifications. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 502. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 595 - Human Osteology Techniques in the basic identification of human skeletal remains, including aging, sex, race and stature reconstruction. Prerequisite(s): ISAN 502. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 601 - Proseminar Integrative seminar focusing on the most contemporary developments in each of the five fields of anthropological inquiry. Prerequisite(s): Must have already completed introductory courses in archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 603 - Master’s Thesis Under the direction of a mentor, the student selects a topic of inquiry and engages in a major research thereby demonstrating familiarity with research techniques, bibliographical resources, and writing capabilities. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 609 - Language and Power A critical exploration of how language relates to power. The course will focus on (a) minority language rights and linguistic imperialism, language shifts and maintenance, and linguistic ecology, as well as (b) political, media, gender, ethnic, age, and class language. Students will engage in critical analysis of various kinds of discourse in terms of linguistic articulation, maintenance and subversion of power relations. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 613 - Topics in Social Justice and Human Rights Exploration of the contributions of anthropology and/or other academic disciplines to human rights and/or social justice considerations. Anthropological topics may include critical ethnography, cross-cultural approaches to developing international human rights standards, various forms of trafficking, genocide and ethnocide, anthropological ethics, representation and subjectivity in human rights and social justice contexts, universalism and relativism, anthropology of post-liberalism, cultural legitimacy, narrative approaches to transformational change, etc. Note(s): May be repeated with different topics. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 615 - Anthropology of Consciousness A survey of theoretical, methodological and ethnographic topics geared toward developing a deeper anthropological understanding of cross- cultural experiences related to both normal and “altered” states of consciousness. We will explore topics including the neurophysiology of spiritual experience; trance; possession, shamanistic and mediumistic states; glossolalia; mystical traditions and a number of other “extraordinary” experiences, as well as develop a thoroughly Christian, cross-culturally valid approach to various ethnophilosophies of mind, soul and spirit. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3.

ISAN 621 - Practicum in Anthropology Field based work study program under supervision. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. ISAN 623 - Independent Study Independent study in archaeological topic or area. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. ISAN 624 - Independent Study In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the faculty, using standard research procedures. Topic selection by advisor’s approval. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–4. ISAN 631 - Topics in Cultural Anthropology Consideration of topics not regularly scheduled by faculty. May be repeated with different content. When Offered: Course offered upon faculty availability and sufficient student interest. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 633 - Topics in Culture Change In-depth examination of both the theory and experience of culture change in various historical and cultural contexts. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 635 - Tutorial Specialized study under supervision on a topic of special interest pertinent to the student’s area of inquiry. Requires interaction with both a faculty advisor and the student’s peers. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 641 - Topics in Political Anthropology Examination of regional styles of leadership, of political conflicts, of competition for positions of leadership, and the nature in which power is allocated and used in various cultural contexts. May be repeated with different topics. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 671 - Applied Anthropology Study of man, culture and environment with special emphasis on the manner in which their relationship with one another is affected by change agents. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 673 - Topics in Development Studies in selected issues related to relief and development. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 681 - Topics in Archaeology Studies in selected issues in archaeology. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 691 - Seminar in Advanced Archaeology In-depth analysis of specific archaeological concerns for advanced students. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 693 - Seminar in Advanced Physical Anthropology In-depth study of an issue or topic in physical anthropology. May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 1–3. ISAN 701 - Topics in Biblical Theology from an Anthropological Perspective An examination of themes, strategies, and topic within Biblical theology from an anthropological perspective. Note(s): May be repeated with different content. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 711 - Research Design Methods for analyzing data, developing a research proposal, and organizing research results into an academic format. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 712 - Cultural Context of 1st Century Palestine An examination of current social science research on the cultural context of 1st century Palestine and the application to the interpretation of the primary texts. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 721 - Anthropological Theory in Practice An examination of the theories and principle figures who have contributed to the development of modern anthropological inquiry and the manner in which such theories have affected contemporary usage in missiological inquiry and cross-cultural research. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 731 - Culture, Cognition and World View An examination of the role of ideas in the formation, maintenance and/ or stimulus for change in cultures. Includes a study of the development of anthropological theories and methods for understanding cultural knowledge and issues relating to cognition, culture and meaning. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3.


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