
Cook School of Intercultural Studies

ISAN 741 - Anthropology of Leadership Cross-cultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, and training. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 751 - Social Anthropology Examination of the manner in which people in culture organize human relationships, allocate power, distribute labor, and work to sustain the well-being of the society. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAN 761 - Culture and Transformation The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Implications of such processes are examined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. Applied Linguistics (ISAL) ISAL 511 - Applied Linguistics Introduction to theoretical and practical issues in applied linguistics, focusing on several important areas; e.g., bilingual education, lexicography, literacy, orthography design, social dialects and education and translation. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 520 - Introduction to Language and Linguistics Introduction to basic concepts in the scientific study of language, major areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the field, including language in society. Material from English and a variety of other languages is used to provide a broad perspective. Note(s): Prerequisite for graduate courses in Applied Linguistics for program majors. May be taken concurrently with other ISAL courses. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 521 - General Articulatory Phonetics The study of the articulation, classification, discrimination, production, and transcription of speech sounds. The focus is on a wide range of sounds found in the world’s languages. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 522 - Phonetics and Phonology of English The study of the auditory discrimination, physical description, and systematic transcription of speech sounds, both standard and disordered, used in English and how these sounds are structured, organized and used. Some sounds from other languages are also included for comparison. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 523 - Introduction to Phonology Introduction to the systematic arrangements and rules by which languages organize and alter their speech sounds. Prerequisite(s): 520 or 521. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 525 - Introduction to Syntax Introduction to the patterns, regularities, and rule-governed alterations in grammar whereby words are organized into phrases, clauses, and sentences. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 529 - Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics Study of meaning systems in language and how meaning is conveyed in linguistic and social contexts. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 535 - Introduction to Bible Translation An introduction to the principles and problems of cross-language and crosscultural communication with special emphasis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 537 - Introduction to Literacy An overview of literacy in neoliterate societies, including motivation, local authorship, orthography design, reading methodology, strategies for literacy programs, and the relationship of literacy to social context. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Note(s): Does not count toward the concentration in literacy. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 543 - Literacy in Social Context An exploration of vernacular and bilingual literacies within their social setting, including such factors as social environment, economy, and religion. Attention is given to the impact of social and linguistic factors on literacy program design, implementation, and management. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3.

ISAL 544 - Literacy Methods and Materials Examination of different theories and methods used to teach literacy and to prepare primers and other reading materials in minority languages. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 546 - Reading and Literacy Theory A survey of both reading theory (cognitive and psycholinguistic) and literacy theory (vernacular, functional, and national), with emphasis given to the development of integrated literacy education programs. Prerequisite(s): 520 (concurrent registration permitted). Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 622 - Phonological Theory Special problems in phonological analysis from various languages. Includes abstract phonology. Prerequisite(s): 523. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 624 - Syntactic Theory Study of several current models of syntax with application to the analysis and description of various languages. Prerequisite(s): 525. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 626 - Approaches to Translation Study of the theory and practice of translation, including secular and sacred texts, prose and poetry. Prerequisite(s): 535. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 641 - Language Surveys Introduction to the principles and methods of collecting, quantifying, and interpreting data on linguistic similarity, intelligibility, language attitudes, bilingualism, and language change. Prerequisite(s): 521, 646. Note(s): A tape recorder will be needed. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 643 - Lexicography Examination of the history, theory, and practice of dictionary making. Among the topics covered are lexical analysis; syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic information; definitions and citations; usage; users and uses of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries; and techniques and technology used in compiling and producing a dictionary. Prerequisite(s): 529. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 646 - Sociolinguistics Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, and ethnography of communication. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 648 - Discourse and Text Analysis Examination of language beyond the sentence level. Covers the analysis of oral and written secular and sacred texts within their social or literary contexts. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 650 - Seminar in Linguistics and Biblical Exegesis In-depth application of a broad range of linguistic principles to the exegesis of biblical passages in the original languages. Specific topics may vary, depending on class interest. This is the capstone course for the M.A. Linguistics and Biblical Languages, and will assimilate the content of the various courses in the degree. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 529, 648; TTOT 705 or TTNT 503. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 652 - Field Methods in Second Language and Culture Learning Overview of language and culture learning theories and skills. Topics covered include working with a cross-cultural partner, language learning styles, cultural bias, language and culture data management skills and comparison of cultural bias with biblical principles. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 654 - Field Methods in Linguistics Extensive working with speakers of non-Indo-European languages, with special emphasis on collecting and analyzing language data leading to descriptions of phonology and syntax. Prerequisite(s): 523, 525. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 655 - Practicum in Language and Culture Learning Applying the theory and practice of the LAMP method in a field situation in order to learn to speak another language in its cultural context. Prerequisite(s): 520. Fee: $100. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 656 - Practicum in Literacy Field experience within the broad area of literacy. Credit for course may be earned, in some field-based situations, by portfolio assessment. Prerequisite(s): 520. Grade Mode: A. Credit(s): 3.


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