Biological Sciences
Courses Biological Sciences (BIOS) BIOS 100 - Biological Principles: Lecture
BBST 471 - The Apostolic Fathers
Credits 3
Students will read and discuss the earliest Christian documents composed after the apostolic age, spanning the years A.D. 95–160 (e.g., Aristides, Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Papias, Polycarp), with a focus upon compositional purpose, historical setting, theology, and connections with New Testament documents. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BBST 110, BBST 251, BBST 254, BBST 301, BBST 312. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BBST 475 - Puritan Theology Credits 3 Traces the history of Protestant spiritual formation from Martin Luther and John Calvin to the English Puritans and acquaints students with the history, theology, and theological influences of relevant theologians. Emphasizes the doctrinal distinctives of the Puritan movement and includes reading primary sources from that era. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BBST 103, BBST 105, BBST 251, BBST 254. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BBST 480 - Directed Research Credits 1-3 Guided independent reading, research, problem-solving and preparation of a formal paper or project done in consultation with a selected professor. Notes: May be taken for a total of 6 credits. Students may receive no more than a total of 6 credits counted towards graduation for 480 and 490 combined. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BBST 481 - New Testament Use of the Old Testament Credits 3 A consideration of the issues raised by the use of the OT in the NT. Special attention is given to the hermeneutical presuppositions and exegetical methods employed by the NT writers as they appropriate the OT scriptures, and to the theological implications that arise from their use. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BBST 301, BBST 312; BLGR 101 and BLGR 102, or BLHE 101 and BLHE 102. Restrictions: Must be Biblical & Theological Studies (BBLE); and Credits 1-3 Supervised experience in teaching biblical studies. Includes course preparation, observation and evaluation. Notes: May be taken for a total of 6 credits. Students may receive no more than a total of 6 credits counted towards graduation for 480 and 490 combined. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Biological Sciences Faculty Chair: Wendy Billock, Ph.D. Associate Professors: Billock, Cruzen, Ebeling, Havoonjian, Tresser, Varamini Assistant Professors: Lee, McReynolds Undergraduate Level. BBST 490 - Practicum
Credits 3 A survey of biological principles including: the cell, zoology, ecology, human anatomy, genetics, and origin of life theories. Notes: No lab is required, but BIOS 110 is the lab course designed to accompany this course. BIOS 100 without the lab (110) will not receive transfer credit at most other universities. Approved for Core Curriculum Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must not be Bio Sci:Secondary Instruction (BISI), Human Biology (BIHB), Biological Science (BIOS), Biochemistry (BCHM) or Environmental Science (BIES); and must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 103 - Introduction to Environmental Science Credits 3 An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the environment using concepts from ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, the social sciences and Scripture to understand the interplay of natural resources, how humans are affecting the environment, and how to deal with environmental problems. Notes: Approved for Core Curriculum Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 110 - Observational Biology Laboratory Credits 2 Observational and investigative approach to surveying a range of biological organisms and examining selected human systems. Notes: Three hours lab, one hour lecture/discussion designed to be taken with BIOS 100. Approved for Core Curriculum Science Credit. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must not be Bio Sci:Secondary Instruction (BISI), Human Biology (BIHB), Biological Science (BIOS), Biochemistry (BCHM) or Environmental Science (BIES); and must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: Lab $95. BIOS 111 - Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Credits 3 Introductory course for majors emphasizing the principles of cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and development. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Passing score on Chemistry Placement Exam; or CHEM 104 or CHEM 107 with at least a "B-" or BIOS 112 with at least a "C". Corequisites: BIOS 113. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 112 - Fundamentals of Organismal Biology Credits 3 Introductory course for biological science majors emphasizing the principles of systematics and biodiversity, population genetics and origins theories, ecology, and anatomy and physiology. Notes: Approved for Core Curriculum Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Corequisites: BIOS 114. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 113 - Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory Credit 1 This laboratory accompanies BIOS 111 and is divided between observational and experimental approaches, with emphasis on the collection and interpretation of quantitative data. Frequent lab discussion of relevant issues and literature will be included. Grade Mode: A. Corequisites: BIOS 111. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $95.
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