
Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog

Introduction to TV & Film Production

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 103 CNMA 104 CNMA 202 CNMA 204 CNMA 356 CNMA 440 CNMA 447 CNMA 456


History of Television Programming

History of Cinema

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 355 OR CNMA 449

Introduction to Mass Media The Entertainment Business

The Role of the Producer

Credit(s): 3.


Motion Picture / Pre-Production Motion Picture Post-Production

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 358 OR CNMA 452

Screen Writing

Cinema & Media Arts Internship

Credit(s): 1 - 3 .

Credit(s): 3.

Advanced Screen Writing Senior Media Project

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.


Introduction to Marketing Principles of Advertising

Credit(s): 3.

BUSN 230 OR CNMA 392

CNMA 470 Credit(s): 1 - 3. 3 credits of upper-division Cinema and Media Arts electives. Cinema & Media Arts Seminar

Credit(s): 3.

Off Hollywood Concentration An off-Hollywood concentration trains students in the areas of documentaries, music videos, webisodes, commercials, industrial films, and church media. Students who choose this concentration must include:


Advanced Studies in Criticism

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 320 OR CNMA 355

History of Television Programming

Credit(s): 3.


Media Performance

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 364 OR ENGL 344

The Art of Storytelling

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 101 CNMA 102 CNMA 202 CNMA 251 CNMA 262 CNMA 301 CNMA 303 CNMA 315 CNMA 356 CNMA 359 CNMA 375 CNMA 440 CNMA 456 CNMA 465

Creative Writing: Fiction

Credit(s): 3.

Visual Aesthetics

Introduction to Mass Media

In addition to the G.E. requirement choose one: ENGL 220 Literature & Film

Audio Recording

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Directing for TV & Film

Literature in Context British Literature I British Literature II American Literature I American Literature II

ENGL 230 ENGL 251 ENGL 252 ENGL 281 ENGL 282

New Media


Editing for Film &Television

Screen Writing

Motion Picture Production

Media Management Concentration A media management concentration introduces students to the business principles that drive the entertainment industry. Media managers make strategic decisions regarding what films get produced and what TV shows get broadcast. By combining classes in mass media and business, students are equipped to serve as producers or development and marketing executives, en route to corporate management. Students who choose this concentration must include:

Expansive Media

Cinema & Media Arts Internship

Credit(s): 1 - 3 .

Senior Media Project

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Advanced Directing for TV & Film

CNMA 475 Credit(s): 2. 2 credits of upper-division Cinema and Media Arts electives. Church Media


Motion Picture / Pre-Production Motion Picture Post-Production

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 358 OR CNMA 452

Credit(s): 3.

Introduction to Mass Media The Entertainment Business

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 202 CNMA 204 CNMA 301 CNMA 359 CNMA 433 CNMA 440

Courses (CNMA) CNMA 101 - The Art of Storytelling

New Media

Motion Picture Production Mass Media Law & Ethics

Creating poets via an introduction to the building blocks of storytelling: character, setting, plot. Students will read, analyze and create poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, drama, and film ideas. Special emphasis will be given to the history, art and aesthetics of storytelling. Restriction(s): Must be a Cinema and Media Arts (CNMA, MCFT) major. Fee: $40. Credit(s): 3. CNMA 102 - Visual Aesthetics Creating painters via an introduction to the building blocks of visual storytelling: camera and lighting. Students will learn how to light and photograph on set and on location, indoors and outdoors, through the use of various cameras and film stocks. Special emphasis will be given to production design and the use of color / contrast / movement. Restriction(s): Must be a Cinema and Media Arts (CNMA, MCFT) major. Fee: $60. Credit(s): 3. CNMA 103 - Introduction to TV & Film Production Creating sculptors via the building blocks of moving images: the editing of pictures and sound. Students will form groups to write, direct, shoot and edit short film and video projects. Restriction(s): Must be a Cinema and Media Arts (CNMA, MCFT) major. Fee: $60. Credit(s): 3.

Cinema & Media Arts Internship

Credit(s): 1 - 3.

CNMA 440 must be taken for a total of 4 credits. CNMA 455 Media Management

Credit(s): 3.

Senior Media Project

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 456


Mass Communication Research Cinema & Media Arts Seminar

Credit(s): 3.

CNMA 458 OR CNMA 470

Credit(s): 1 - 3.

And COMM 387 Organizational Communication OR An upper division CNMA elective.

Credit(s): 3.


Principles of Accounting I

Credit(s): 3.

BUSN 211 OR CNMA 101

The Art of Storytelling

Credit(s): 3.


Principles of Accounting II

Credit(s): 3.

BUSN 212 OR CNMA 302

Production Management

Credit(s): 3.


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