
Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog

CODS 444 - Voice Disorders Topics to be covered include: etiologies, types of voice disorders including neutrogenic, functional and organic voice disorders, and review of assessment and treatment methods. Various craniofacial disorders will also be surveyed such as cleft palate. Prerequisite(s): 210, 324. Credit(s): 3. CODS 450 - Communication Disorders Practicum Directed practical experience in the various fields of communication disorders. Note(s): May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Credit(s): 1 - 3. CODS 466 - Capstone Research Project in Communication Disorders Survey of research terminology and methods as well as an emphasis on critiquing research. Course includes a student capstone research project. Prerequisite(s): Senior status. Credit(s): 3. CODS 470 - Communication Disorders Seminar Various aspects and problems in communication disorders. Credit(s): 1 - 3. CODS 480 - Directed Research Individual research in areas of communication disorders determined in consultation with the instructor. Note(s): May be repeated for a maximum of three credits. Credit(s): 1 - 3.


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