General Information
The Goals of the University The University seeks to educate Christian men and women in undergraduate and graduate programs to produce thinking Christians who: 1. Are broadly educated with a biblical foundation and worldview. A. Appreciate with discernment the breadth of ideas and creative expressions that have shaped humanity. B. Apply critical thinking in order to: i. reason logically, ii. use a broad range of investigative approaches, and iii. exercise faith appropriately in the process of critical thinking. C. Communicate and defend their ideas on the basis of evidence. D. Hold and apply a biblically-based system of values and beliefs. E. Develop a commitment to cross-cultural understanding and engagement in order to function and serve in a diverse world. F. Seek to view themselves and others as God does. G. Participate in service and experiential learning opportunities. 2. Demonstrate competence in the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to their fields and levels of study. A. Demonstrate competence in written and oral expression, observing the conventions of their discipline. B. Integrate major fields of study with a biblical worldview. C. Apply ethical principles that are consistent with biblical values. 3. Understand and apply biblical knowledge. A. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Bible. B. Understand the historical roots of the Christian faith and its relevance to contemporary civilization. C. Appropriate biblical knowledge as the foundation for continued character development and formation in the image of Christ. 4. Articulate and live out a biblical worldview. A. Engage the world of ideas. B. Engage their vocations as faithful stewards of God’s calling. C. Live with integrity. D. Serve the body of Christ and others as Christ served. E. Carry out Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations. F. Live as responsible citizens.
Accreditation & Affiliations Biola University holds institutional accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges * (1961). In addition, the institution and certain of its programs are accredited by the American Psychological Association (1980), the Association of Theological Schools (1977), the National Association of Schools of Music (1970), the State of California Board of Registered Nursing (1966), the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (2007), the California Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing (1960), the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (1997) and the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (1998). Note: Dates in ( ) reflect the initial approval date. Biola University is authorized to train students under the Veteran’s Bill of Rights. In addition, the University is affiliated with a number of professional organizations, of which the following are representative: American Anthropological Association; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers; American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; American Council on Education; American Guild of Organists; American Intercollegiate Athletic Women; American Library Association; American Psychological Association; Associated Collegiate Press; Association of Christian Schools, International; Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs; Association of College Unions International; American Association of Higher Education; Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities; California Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; California Council on the Education of Teachers; Choral Conductors’ Guild (California); Council for Christian Colleges and Universities; Christian Scholar’s Review; College Entrance Examination Board; Council on Post-secondary Accreditation; Evangelical Teacher Training Association; Intercollegiate Press; Music Educator’s National Conference; National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics; Western Association of Graduate Schools; Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing; and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. * If you wish to contact the Western Association of Schools and Colleges for any concerns, please contact them at: 985 Atlantic Ave., Suite 100; Alameda, CA 94501; (510) 748-9001. Doctrinal Statement Inasmuch as the University is interdenominational and yet theologically conservative, the Articles of Incorporation contain the doctrinal statement noted below: The Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and NewTestaments, is the Word of God, a supernaturally given revelation from God Himself, concerning Himself, His being, nature, character, will and purposes; and concerning man, his nature, need and duty and destiny. The Scriptures of the Old and NewTestaments are without error or misstatement in their moral and spiritual
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