
Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education

K inesiology , H ealth & P hysical E ducation Faculty

education in schools, and / or pursue coaching opportunities.

Required general education courses includ BIOS 254 Human Anatomy

Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 3.


BIOS 281 PSYC 200 CHEM 112

Introduction to Psychology

Marc Apkarian, Ph.D.


Principles of Organic & Biochemistry



Credit(s): 5.

CHEM 112 is required as a supporting course.

Apkarian, Henry, Larson, Orr

Associate Professors




Introduction to Probability & Statistics

MATH 210

Credit(s): 3.

Mission The mission of the Department of Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education is to facilitate Biblically-based learning about human movement and performance so that students are prepared to be competent and caring Christian professionals who work in the fields of teaching, exercise science and allied health care, or who pursue advanced studies in related graduate programs. Department Objectives The Department of Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education purposes to: • Provide quality coursework and research that integrates theory and application with Biblical principles and practice. • Prepare majoring students for careers in physical education, kinesiology, allied health care or graduate school. • Permit minor study options for students with related interests in coaching, physical education and health and fitness. • Present all undergraduate students with a diverse range of activity classes that encourage healthy lifestyles. • Promote the value and understanding of physical activity and human performance for lifelong health and wellness to the entire Biola community. Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education Degree Program A Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education or a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. All major requirements and any biology, chemistry, physical science or math general education requirements must be completed with a “C-” or better grade. Physical Education Physical Education: Teaching and Coaching (54 Credits) The Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education is designed for students who wish to teach physical


Biostatistics Credit(s): 3. This concentration requires 54 credits, 40 of which must be upper division. Requirements includ Six credits of activity courses in addition to the four semester general education requirement. PEED 101 Health &Wellness Credit(s): 1. PEED 180 Recreation Leadership & Programming Credit(s): 2. PEED 201 Elementary Physical Education Methods & Activities Credit(s): 2. PEED 205 Foundations in Physical Education and Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 301 Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 302 Exercise Physiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 303 Exercise Physiology Laboratory Credit(s): 1. PEED 307 Measurement & Evaluation in Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 329 Psychology of Coaching Credit(s): 3. PEED 331 Analysis of Teaching Individual & Dual Sports Credit(s): 3. PEED 332 Analysis of Teaching Team Sports Credit(s): 3. PEED 335 Health Education Credit(s): 3. PEED 400 Administration of Physical Education & Coaching Credit(s): 3. PEED 401 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries Credit(s): 3. PEED 405 Adapted Physical Education Credit(s): 3. PEED 408 Motor Learning Credit(s): 3. PEED 412 Secondary Physical Education Methods & Activities Credit(s): 3. PEED 420

Sociology & Psychology in Physical Education & Sport

Credit(s): 3.

Teaching Credential Program For the teaching credential program the following courses are required:

Introduction to Teaching Psychological Foundations of Education Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Secondary Content Area Reading

Credit(s): 3.

LEDU 301 LEDU 330

Credit(s): 3.

LEDU 341

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 6.

LEDU 425 LEDU 433 LEDU 436 LEDU 437 LEDU 450

Single Subject Pedagogy Secondary Curriculum

Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Secondary Student Teaching I


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