Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education
Measurement & Evaluation in Kinesiology Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries
Required general education courses includ CHEM 105 General Chemistry I
PEED 307
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 3.
PEED 401
Health &Wellness
PEED 101 PHSC 111 PHSC 117 PSYC 200
Credit(s): 3.
Physics I
Topics in Kinesiology Seminar in Kinesiology
Credit(s): 1 - 3. Credit(s): 1 - 3. Credit(s): 1 - 3.
PEED 460 PEED 470 PEED 480 PSYC 305 PSYC 306
Physics I Laboratory
Introduction to Psychology
Directed Study
Experimental Psychology Psychological Testing & Assessment Abnormal Psychology Industrial / Organizational Psychology Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence
Credit(s): 4.
Introduction to Probability & Statistics
MATH 210
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
Biostatistics Credit(s): 3. This concentration requires 56 credits, 34 of which must be upper division. Requirements includ BIOS 254 Human Anatomy Credit(s): 4. BIOS 281 Physiology Credit(s): 4. CHEM 106 General Chemistry II Credit(s): 4. PEED 301 Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 302 Exercise Physiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 303 Exercise Physiology Laboratory Credit(s): 1. PEED 335 Health Education Credit(s): 3. PEED 402 Assessment & Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries Credit(s): 3. PEED 408 Motor Learning Credit(s): 3. PEED 420
PSYC 309 PSYC 315
Credit(s): 3.
PSYC 320
Credit(s): 3.
PSYC 325
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
Advanced Statistics
PSYC 420
Coaching Minor Minor Requirements (20 Credits) A minor in coaching is offered to those with an interest in coaching as a life profession and to those with an interest in coaching as ministry or missions. Twenty credits are required, with 18 credits from the core listed below. Remaining credits must be chose in consultation with a department advisor.
Sociology & Psychology in Physical Education & Sport Nutrition for Health & Sport
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
PEED 440 PEED 480
Directed Study
Credit(s): 1 - 3.
PEED 480 must be taken for 3 credits.
Psychology of Coaching
Credit(s): 3.
PEED 329 PEED 331
Physics II
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1.
PHSC 112 PHSC 118
Analysis of Teaching Individual & Dual Sports Analysis of Teaching Team Sports
Physics II Laboratory
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
PEED 332 PEED 400
Credit(s): 3.
BIOS 311 OR PSYC 412
Administration of Physical Education & Coaching
Physiological Psychology
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.
Motor Learning
Electives The remaining 12 credits of electives, of which six must be upper division, are chosen from:
PEED 408 PEED 420
Sociology & Psychology in Physical Education & Sport
Credit(s): 3.
Choose one of the following: PEED 460 Topics in Kinesiology
General Biology I
Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 4.
BIOS 111 BIOS 113 BIOS 112 BIOS 114 BIOS 282 BIOS 310 BIOS 312 BIOS 322 BIOS 332 BIOS 382 BIOS 431 BIOS 445 CHEM 301 CHEM 302 CHEM 311 CHEM 312 CHEM 411 CHEM 412 CHEM 413
Credit(s): 1 - 3. Credit(s): 1 - 3. Credit(s): 1 - 3.
General Biology I Laboratory
Seminar in Kinesiology
PEED 470 PEED 480
General Biology II
Directed Study
General Biology II Laboratory
Kinesiology, Health and Physical Education Minor Minor Requirements (20 Credits) A minor in Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education is offered for those with an interest in personal training, group fitness instruction, coaching, recreational leadership or physical education. Twenty credits beyond the general education requirement must be completed; at least 12 of these credits must be upper division. All courses for the minor must be 200-level or higher, with the exception of:
Credit(s): 1 - 2.
Cell & Molecular Biology
Credit(s): 3.
Laboratory in Cell & Molecular Biology
Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 4. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2. Credit(s): 3.
Vertebrate Physiology Developmental Biology
Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II
Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I Laboratory in Organic Chemistry II
Recreation Leadership & Programming
PEED 180
Biochemistry I Biochemistry II
Credit(s): 2.
Laboratory in Biochemistry Psychology of Coaching
PEED 329
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