Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog intentional learning organization. In providing essential support and resources, the objectives of CLEAR are to: 1) Lead the institutional efforts to maintain educational effectiveness and excellence, 2) Provide a strategic focus on instructional development, student learning and assessing student learning outcomes, 3) Assist in the assessment of our institutional impact on the intellectual, spiritual, and character development of our students, 4) Effectively utilize the results of assessment for ongoing strategic planning and improvement. To accomplish these objectives, CLEAR works with academic and co-curricular programs as they develop, schedule and implement effective program reviews, with faculty as they participate in development opportunities, and with departments as they assess student learning outcomes and teaching effectiveness. The Director of Instructional Services works along with the CLEAR office to support teaching and learning by maintaining a faculty lab with the most up-to-date computer workstations, offering assistance with graphic design and presentation development and servicing state-of-the-art technology-enhanced classrooms throughout the Biola campus. Distance Learning At its essence, distance learning is the design and delivery of an intentional learning experience to a student who is not physically present with the teacher. The course may be delivered either (1) entirely as a distance learning experience, known as a “full” distance learning course or simply a distance learning course, or (2) as a combination course conducted both on-site with the teacher and partially at a distance known as a “hybrid” distance learning course. To qualify as a hybrid course, a distance learning experience must only replace one or more physical classroom sessions. The objective of Biola’s Distance Learning program is to leverage existing technologies to meet student needs for time and convenience and to create additional local and/or global opportunities for students to attend Biola University. The methods employed by the Distance Learning Program are expected to deliver the highest possible learning outcomes and to contribute to the vision and/or mission of the University. Relationships and learning outcomes in the distance learning modality are expected to equal or exceed those of face-to-face, “traditional” programs. At Biola University, you will find both full distance and hybrid distance learning courses. There are individual distance learning courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. A variety of these courses will contribute to the development of a degree program and additionally some entire degree programs may be taken online. The courses have been designed to maximize instructor/ student and student/peer relationships through effective and efficient collaborative instructional tools and methods made available in the “online” modality. Each course is designed to create a cooperative and interactive experience where students actively engage in the learning process. Professors are called upon to add value to their online classes with the demonstration
of content expertise and the sharing of their practitioner experience. In addition, professors serve as facilitators of discussion and of the learning process by actively engaging students to stimulate deeper thinking and encourage practical application. Interterm Session To facilitate the completion of graduation and also to allow exposure to creative learning and to enrich students’ academic programs, the University provides an Interterm program in January. A balanced program of general education, Bible, electives and graduate courses is offered on campus. Students may enrich their course of study and reduce the overall time spent in school or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of Interterm courses. Certain courses or workshops may be offered during Interterm that are not listed in this catalog. Courses may be innovative or the content may be in response to specialized needs or current topics. Opportunities to participate in travel and other non-traditional courses are also offered by various departments through Biola Study Tours and Off-Campus Programs. Undergraduate tuition charges are about one half of the regular tuition charge. Resident hall rooms are provided at no extra charge for on-campus fall students who have committed to occupy a room during the spring semester. All other students attending Interterm are charged a prorated weekly rate. Separate prices will be available for meals during Interterm. For further information, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Summer Session A continuing Summer Session program provides students with the opportunity for a greater degree of flexibility in planning their total program. Students may enrich their course of study and reduce the overall time spent in school or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of Summer Session courses. Visiting students find it refreshing to study in a different atmosphere and perhaps a different locale, and entering students find it helpful in gaining advanced standing. Work taken may be applied to both the degree and the teaching credential programs. Instruction is offered in standard courses by the Biola faculty and capable visiting professors. Certain courses or workshops may be offered during Summer Session that are not listed in this catalog. These may be innovative or the course may be in response to specialized needs or current topics. Courses regularly offered cover the areas of art, Bible, theology, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, biological science, sociology and other subjects, including education courses for teaching credential candidates. Graduate courses in education, intercultural studies, theology and psychology enable graduate students to continue their programs during the summer months. Credit is also available in connection with Biola Study Tours conducted during the summer months. Tuition, room and board are lower than regular charges at private colleges; total costs are competitive with state summer school charges. See section on financial information for Summer Session tuition. Visiting
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