
Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog M odern L anguages Faculty

Spanish Language Learners (39 Credits) HUFS 210 Intermediate Spanish II

Credit(s): 3.

Spanish Conversation & Composition

HUFS 230

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Introduction to Literature in Spanish

Amy Obrist, Ph.D.

HUFS 290 HUFS 299


Faith, Life & Culture: Travel Practicum

Bryant, Hernandez, Velasquez

Assistant Professor

Credit(s): 3.

Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition

HUFS 330

Mission & Learning Outcomes The Modern Language Department seeks to provide effective language training in the context of the Christian faith and the cultures of the respective languages that we offer. At the general education level we seek to provide an understanding of the nature of language and an intermediate level of language proficiency in the selected language (Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, German, American Sign Language). For the student who seeks to develop a mastery of Spanish, we offer a Spanish minor that will prepare students for life, work, and service in a Spanish-speaking context. The objectives of the Spanish minor are: 1) to develop the Spanish language and cultural skills of students who seek to live, work, and serve in Spanish- speaking environments in the U.S. and abroad; 2) to provide hands-on experience in serving in such an environment; and 3) to guide the students’ development of the holistic integrative reasoning that is the foundation of service to others and work in the professions. Admission Requirements All students intending to minor or major in Spanish must: Complete the required G.E. course sequence, OR place into the next level (intermediate high or above) by department assessment. Spanish language learners (not heritage speakers) must complete HUFS 210 with a grade of B- or higher, or obtain a satisfactory score on a normed placement exam given by the department, in order to proceed with the minor. Students with AP Spanish Language scores of 4 or higher will be placed into HUFS 230 (your AP language credits with count for HUFS 210). Students with AP Spanish Literature scores of 4 or better will be given credit for HUFS 290 (but will still be required to take HUFS 210 unless the department determines their language level is beyond the level of the course, in which case they may substitute a higher- level course). File an application with the Department of Modern Languages and complete an interview with a faculty member. Spanish Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish is offered upon the completion of University baccalaureate requirements and the Spanish major. The Spanish major consists of 39 credits, 24 of which must be upper division.

Credit(s): 3.

Choose two from the following: HUFS 365

Drama: History & Application

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.


HUFS 385

Spanish in the Professions

Credit(s): 3.

HUFS 390

Choose four courses from the following: HUFS 410 Spanish American Literature

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Spanish Literature

HUFS 420 HUFS 430

Spanish American Literature Since 1950 Studies in Spanish American Culture Teaching Assistant Practicum

Credit(s): 3.

HUFS 460

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 2.

HUFS 470 HUFS 475 HUFS 485

Directed Research

Credit(s): 1 - 3.


Credit(s): 3.

Seminar in Hispanic Studies

Credit(s): 1 - 3.

HUFS 490

Choose two from the following: HIST 312 History of Latin America (or another History courses on a Hispanic topic) HUFS 400 Survey of Hispanic Literature in Translation

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.


Studies in World Literature

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Peoples of the World

INCS 332

INCS 332, Latin America only

Introduction to Language & Linguistics

INAL 300

Credit(s): 3.

Service Learning Projects Two program-related service learning projects are required and must be approved by the department (this requirement is automatically satisfied by taking 299 and 380, but may be fulfilled in other ways, upon departmental approval). Students may substitute an upper-division course for a lower-division course with permission of the department. Spanish Heritage Speakers (39 Credits) HUFS 220 Spanish for Spanish Speakers Credit(s): 3. HUFS 290 Introduction to Literature in Spanish Credit(s): 3. HUFS 299 Faith, Life & Culture: Travel Practicum Credit(s): 3. HUFS 322 Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers Credit(s): 3. Choose two courses from the following: HUFS 365 Drama: History & Application Credit(s): 3. HUFS 385 Translation Credit(s): 3. HUFS 390 Spanish in the Professions Credit(s): 3. Choose five courses from the following: HUFS 410 Spanish American Literature Credit(s): 3.


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