
Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog

MUSC 452 - Worship Music Seminar Professional music ministers, musicians, theologians and pastors will share views on worship with opportunity to dialogue with guest speakers. Note(s): Music in Worship majors only. Graded on a credit / no credit basis. Credit(s): 0. MUSC 453 - Worship Internship A supervised ministry experience limited to juniors and seniors. Growth through direct field experience, mentoring, reflection, feedback and evaluation by the local church supervisor and Biola faculty. Prerequisite(s): 185, 287. Note(s): Best taken concurrently with other classes and spread out over 1 - 3 semesters. May be taken in blocks of 1 - 6 credits. Music in Worship majors only. Credit(s): 1 - 6. MUSC 470 - Senior Recital / Final Project Preparation for senior-level music education major (30-minute recital). Prerequisite(s): 119. Note(s): Graded on a credit / no credit basis. Fee: $60. Credit(s): 0. MUSC 480 - Directed Research Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Credit(s): 1 - 3. MUSC 482 - Music Research Methods This course is designed to develop the student’s music research skills and to provide opportunity for individual research projects in preparation for the intellectual demands of graduate-level studies. Credit(s): 2. MUSC 490 - Senior Recital Preparation for senior-level performance major (60-minute recital). Prerequisite(s): 119. Note(s): Graded on a credit / no credit basis. Fee: $60. Credit(s): 2.


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