Talbot School of Theology
T albot S chool of T heology Faculty
well as in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Specifically, the goal is to educate and graduate students characterized by commitment to serving Christ, missionary and evangelistic zeal and a solid knowledge of the Scriptures. To accomplish these objectives the seminary conducts a chapel program and gives attention to its students’ ministry / service opportunities. Academically It is the purpose of the seminary to provide its students with the best in theological education so they may be equipped to preach and teach the Word of God intelligently and present it zealously to the world. In keeping with this goal, every department is geared to emphasize the clear and accurate exposition of the Scriptures. The biblical languages are utilized to expose the inner meaning of the inspired text. Bible exposition, whether by synthesis or analysis, presents a connected and related interpretation of the infallible Book. Systematic theology moves toward a well-organized and structured arrangement of biblical truth. Historical theology engages itself to acquaint the student with the progress of the inerrant Word among the household of faith throughout the Christian era. Philosophy furnishes the elements whereby the servant of Christ may give a well-developed reason for the faith that is within. Missions, Christian ministry and leadership, and Christian education strive to perfect in the student a skillful and winsome presentation of the truth, privately and publicly. Talbot stands for one faith, one integrated curriculum, one eternal Word of God and its effective proclamation to this generation with its multiplicity of needs. Practically It is the purpose of the seminary to prepare for the gospel ministry those who believe, live and preach the great historic doctrines of faith that have been committed to the church. To realize these broad objectives, the seminary offers nine degree programs, each with its own distinctive purpose. Degrees Offered Talbot School of Theology offers the following degree programs:
Michael J. Wilkins, Ph.D. Douglas W. Geringer, M.Div. Moreland, R. Saucy, Wilkins Arnold, Berding, Boersma, Coe, Curtis, DeWeese, Dirks, Edwards, Eguizabal, Finley, Geivett, Gomes, Hagg, Hellerman, Holloman, Horner, Hutchison, Issler, R. Johnson, Langer, Lawson, Leyda, McIntosh, Pierce, Rae, W. Russell, M. Saucy, Sunukjian, Talley, J. TenElshof, Thoennes, M. Williams Barber, Cardoza, Carr, Esqueda, Geringer, Hubbard, Hultberg, Jung, Keehn, J. Kim, Klink, Lee-Barnewall, Lockett, Lunde, Manning, McKinley, Porter, Rhee, S. Russell, Sappington, Seymour, Shin, Song, Way Anizor, Draycott, Lister, Naidu, Oakes, Pickavance, Price, Volkmer
Dean of the Faculty
Associate Dean
Distinguished Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Mission The mission of Talbot School of Theology is the development of disciples of Jesus Christ whose thought processes, character and lifestyles reflect those of our Lord, and who are dedicated to disciple making throughout the world. Both the nature and the purpose of Talbot School of Theology are elaborated more specifically in the following paragraphs and further expanded at various places throughout the catalog as noted under each heading. Theologically The theological position of Talbot School of Theology is Christian, protestant, and theologically conservative. The school is interdenominational by nature and is thoroughly committed to the proclamation of the great historic doctrines of the Christian church. It definitely and positively affirms historic orthodoxy in the framework of an evangelical and premillennial theology that is derived from a grammatico-historical interpretation of the Bible. It earnestly endeavors to make these great doctrinal truths a vital reality in the spiritual life of this present generation. The seminary aims to train students who believe and propagate the great doctrines of the faith as they are summarized in our Statement of Doctrine and Explanatory Notes. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot to develop in the lives of its students a spiritual life that is in harmony with the great doctrines taught, so that they may grow in the grace as
• Master of Divinity • Master of Arts in • Bible Exposition • Old Testament • NewTestament • Theology • Philosophy • Spiritual Formation
• Biblical &Theological Studies / Diversified • Master of Arts in Christian Education
• Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership • Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation & Soul Care • Master of Theology • Ph.D. in Educational Studies
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