Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog
ISAL 643 - Lexicography Examination of the history, theory, and practice of dictionary making. Among the topics covered are lexical analysis; syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic information; definitions and citations; usage; users and uses of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries; and techniques and technology used in compiling and producing a dictionary. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 529. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 646 - Sociolinguistics Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, and ethnography of communication. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 646). Credit(s): 3. ISAL 648 - Discourse &Text Analysis Examination of language beyond the sentence level. Covers the analysis of oral and written secular and sacred texts within their social or literary contexts. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 648). Credit(s): 3. ISAL 650 - Seminar in Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis In-depth application of a broad range of linguistic principles to the exegesis of biblical passages in the original languages. Specific topics may vary, depending on class interest. This is the capstone course for the M.A. Linguistics & Biblical Languages, and will assimilate the content of the various courses in the degree. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 650), ISAL 529, ISAL 648; TTOT 705 or TTNT 503. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 652 - Field Methods in Second Language & Culture Learning Overview of language and culture learning theories and skills. Topics covered include working with a cross-cultural partner, language learning styles, cultural bias, language and culture data management skills and comparison of cultural bias with biblical principles. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 652). Credit(s): 3. ISAL 654 - Field Methods in Linguistics Extensive working with speakers of non-Indo-European languages, with special emphasis on collecting and analyzing language data leading to descriptions of phonology and syntax. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 654), ISAL 523, and ISAL 525. Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 655 - Practicum in Language & Culture Learning Applying the theory and practice of the LAMP method in a field situation in order to learn to speak another language in its cultural context. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 655). Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 656 - Practicum in Literacy Field experience within the broad area of literacy. Credit for course may be earned, in some field-based situations, by portfolio assessment. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 656). Credit(s): 3. ISAL 657 - Practicum in Applied Linguistics Field experience in various areas of applied linguistics, such as lexicography, orthography design and translation. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 657). Note(s): May be repeated for credit with a different topic. Credit(s): 3.
ISAL 658 - Practicum in Linguistics Fieldwork in the analysis and description of language systems or language use, such as phonology, syntax, and sociolinguistics. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 658). Note(s): May be repeated for credit with a different focus. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 668 - Seminar in Applied Linguistics In-depth examination of some main areas of applied linguistics. Topics vary, depending on class interests. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 668), and ISAL 511. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 679 - Planning, Evaluation, & Research in Applied Linguistics In-depth treatment of program planning and evaluation, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative assessment instruments. Case studies of applied linguistic research will also be examined. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 679), and ISAL 511. Credit(s): 3. ISAL 683 - Topics in Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Translation Advising and Corpus Linguistics. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 683). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 684 - Topics in Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Translation Advising and Corpus Linguistics. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 684). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 685 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 685). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 686 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 686). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 690 - Independent Study Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which can be taken concurrently with ISAL 690). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 695 - Research Seminar Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 (which may be taken concurrently with ISAL 695), and no more than six credits of coursework remaining. Credit(s): 1.
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