Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog
Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 742). Credit(s): 1 - 3.
ISTE 744 - Discourse & Language Teaching Conversation analysis, the analysis of written texts, and discourse across cultures. Focus will be on discourse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 744). Credit(s): 3. ISTE 746 - Teaching Second Language Reading Study of theory and practice in second language reading. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic reading at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 746). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 765 - Course Design in TESOL How to develop a language program and design a language course, including needs assessment, methodology choices, goals specifications and implementation issues. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 765). Credit(s): 3. ISTE 799 - Research Continuous Registration Students who are not registered for any other courses and who need extra time are required to register for this course each semester to maintain their degree status. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 799). Fee: $100. Credit(s): 0. ISTE 881 - Topics in TESOL Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 881). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 882 - Topics in TESOL Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 882). Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 890 - Independent Study Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in applied linguistics. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525 (which may be taken concurrently with ISTE 890). Credit(s): 1 - 3.
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