Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog LEDU 420 or SEED 520, LEDU 336 or SEED 536 and LEDU 337 or SEED 537. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. CalTPA #3. This course is waived if LEDU 431 was taken as an undergraduate. Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. SEED 544 - Elementary Curriculum Fieldwork A 60-hour fieldwork requirement to support the practical application of SEED 543 Elementary Curriculum content. Candidates will design and teach several classroom lessons in local elementary schools. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 330 or SEED 526 and LEDU 341 or SEED 541. Co-requisite: SEED 543. Concurrent: LEDU 309 or SEED 509, LEDU 420 or SEED 520, LEDU 336 or SEED 536, and LEDU 337 or SEED 537. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 432 was taken as an undergraduate. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Credit(s): 1. management and teaching methods as they apply to the content areas in secondary school settings. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 330 or SEED 526, LEDU 341 or SEED 541. Co-requisite: SEED 546. Concurrent: LEDU 425 or SEED 525 and LEDU 433 or SEED 533. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. CalTPA #3. This course is waived if LEDU 436 was taken as an undergraduate. Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. SEED 546 - Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork A 60-hour fieldwork requirement to support the practical application of SEED 545 Secondary Curriculum content. Candidates will design and teach several classroom lessons in local secondary schools. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 330 or SEED 526, and LEDU 341 or SEED 541. Co- requisite: 545. Concurrent: LEDU 425 or SEED 525 and LEDU 433 or SEED 533. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 437 was taken as an undergraduate. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Credit(s): 1. SEED 545 - Secondary Curriculum Secondary school curriculum, assessment, classroom SEED 549 - Studies in Children’s Literature Focus is on how to effectively use children’s literature to enhance and strengthen children’s literacy development. Special emphasis is placed upon connecting students’ language, interests, and cultural background in order to increase their motivation and academic achievement. Active engagement in a wide range of responses to literature including art, music, drama, and writing provide current and future teachers with a repertoire of strategies to use in elementary school classrooms. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 380 was taken as an undergraduate. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Credit(s): 1. SEED 550 - Literature Study in the Classroom Designed to provide an understanding of the historical perspective on children’s literature through literature, film, lecture, and discussion. Literature representative of a variety of cultures and ethnic groups will be analyzed and discussed in order to strengthen cultural understanding. Emphasis will be upon developing a variety of responses to literature through art, drama, and writing in order to strengthen children’s literacy development. Credit(s): 3.
SEED 551 - Practicum in Language & Literacy Observation, case study construction and analysis, assistance and instruction of one or more language minority students in an actual language and literacy environment. This practicum affords opportunity to apply theory to practice in natural field- settings. Credit(s): 3. SEED 552 - Supervision in Language & Literacy Laboratory experience in language and literacy under the supervision of qualified instructional leaders and university supervisors. Credit(s): 3. SEED 553 - Writing Literature Reviews This course prepares the graduate student to write papers using the guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students select a topic, search the literature discussing that topic, and use these sources effectively to strengthen the content of their literature review. Note(s): A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a “B-” is not sufficient). Credit(s): 2. SEED 554 - Professional Writing This course prepares the graduate student to write APA papers and conduct effective library research. This course also prepares the graduate student to submit journal articles, query letters, and book proposals to educational publishers. Note(s): A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a “B-” is not sufficient). Credit(s): 3. SEED 555 - Seminars in Education Seminars in legislation, National Board Certification, cooperative learning, curriculum, instruction, instructional media, classroom control and management, organization of schools, management of personnel, public relations, implementation of Christian philosophy, and early childhood education. Note(s): May be repeated for up to six credits. Restricted to School of Education approval. Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 556 - Early Childhood Curriculum Examines ways to create meaningful curriculum that is aligned with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) program standards and the California Content Standards. Teacher candidates develop curriculum credits that integrate language and literacy, mathematics, and play for children ages 3 to 6. Particular attention is given to the key role of adult-child interactions and teaching strategies supporting physical, social and intellectual development for all children. Field-based experiences required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200 or equivalent, LEDU 335 or equivalent. Note(s): Special approval required. Restricted to livescan submission. Credit(s): 3.
SEED 557 - School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings
Examination of family, community, societal, and cultural influences on children’s schooling and learning. Emphasis on strategies for integrating family members and community resources into the learning process. Exploration of culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches that support all children and their families. Field-based experiences required. Note(s): Special approval required. Restricted to livescan submission. Credit(s): 3.
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