
School of Education

emphasis is given to working on Student Study Teams to design instruction to meet the individual needs of underperforming students, to making referrals with appropriate documentation, and to writing Individual Education Plans for students with identified learning disabilities. Field-based experience required. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561. Credit(s): 3. SEED 564 - Behavior & Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs Focus on principles and procedures for modifying behavior in the classroom with emphasis given to the identification of factors that contribute to behavioral problems, systematic data collection, objective reporting, and implementation of various methods of reinforcement. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561. Credit(s): 3. SEED 565 - Current Issues in Technology & Instruction Instruction includes a critical look at how technology informs teaching in an online environment by investigating issues, theories, operating systems, and practical strategies within schools. Credit(s): 3. SEED 566 - Innovative Usage of Multimedia within Schools Instruction includes how to use emerging technologies to improve teaching and learning in school. Demonstration of how to use multimedia devices to support and engage all students within K-12 classrooms. Prerequisite(s): 565. Note(s): Prerequisite knowledge of educational technology required. Credit(s): 3. SEED 567 - World Wide Web Design Instruction includes research and assessment of web pages that connect with teaching and how to conduct research using the Internet. Students design and create their own web page to assist with instruction. Prerequisite(s): 565. Credit(s): 3. SEED 568 - Elements of Computer Hardware & Software Maintenance & Repair Instruction includes basic knowledge of computer hardware and software design, repair, and maintenance to assure proper usage and availability within a school. Prerequisite(s): 565. Credit(s): 3. SEED 569 - Course Design & Strategies within Technology Instruction includes the practical construction of teaching in an online environment and emphasizes subjects such as interactive teaching strategies, course design, assessment, student evaluation, and instructional planning. Students design an online course. Prerequisite(s): 565. Experience in a classroom needed to take this course. Credit(s): 3. SEED 570 - Introduction to Spiritual Formation for the Educator This introductory study into the nature of spiritual formation attempts to understand the nature of our new life in Christ, the process of formation in the Spirit and the directives for cooperating with His work. Attention is given to implications of spiritual formation for the life of the educator and classroom experience. Practical exercise in prayer, soul projects, and various spiritual disciplines are included as well as a personal all-day retreat addressing one’s calling as an educator in Christ. Particular attention is given to how our life in Christ can deal with personal issues of guilt, shame and legalism and how to cooperate with the Spirit in transforming the heart in light of the dynamics of original sin, our early relational development, and the habits of sin developed over time that affect the

SEED 558 - Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings Overview of childhood behaviors and effective strategies for managing these behaviors in the classroom. Includes a review of learning and developmental theories. Effective strategies that facilitate active learning and differentiated instructional practices that support diverse learning needs are introduced. Field-based experiences required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200 or equivalent, LEDU 335 or equivalent and LEDU 356 or SEED 556. Credit(s): 3. SEED 559 - Observation & Assessment of Young Children Selection and use of formal and informal developmental screening assessments to determine initial information for facilitating individual learning strategies and environments. Candidates enhance observational skills, assessment abilities, and communication reporting to families. Particular attention is given to the selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of results obtained from assessments of young children to determine skills and abilities for the purpose of curriculum planning, learning environment design, and accommodations for children with special needs. Field-based experiences required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200 or equivalent, LEDU 335 or equivalent, and LEDU 356 or SEED 556. Credit(s): 3. SEED 560 - Family, Community, & Academic Partnerships Examination of teaching practices that are effective in working with diverse student populations to promote equal learning opportunities. Overview of methods that enhance successful community collaboration with service providers, business leaders, policy makers, and parents, addressing the complex diversity of families and teaching situations. Primarily focused on teachers and schools building constructive partnerships with parents and requires a case study of a local school’s efforts to meaningfully include parents in the education of their children. Credit(s): 3. SEED 561 - Issues in Special Education A basic introduction to the history and educational philosophy of special education. Study of mild / moderate disabilities (specific learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and emotional and behavioral disturbances). Examination of legal issues and laws pertaining to special education giving attention to school compliance and student and parent rights. Note(s): Special approval required. Restricted to livescan submission. Credit(s): 3. SEED 562 - Assessment & Evaluation of Exceptional Learners Introduction to the types and uses of assessments to identify the strengths and needs of exceptional learners and evaluate results to develop meaningful educational practice. Provides knowledge and skills necessary for selecting, administering, interpreting and reporting results of tests related to cognitive, affective, psychomotor and social development. Emphasis is given to translating assessment data into making informed educational decisions. Field-based experience required. Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561. Credit(s): 3. SEED 563 - Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Provides teacher candidates with knowledge of learning disabilities including definitions, causes, and characteristics of learning disabilities in children. Provides students teachers the knowledge and skills to make accommodations and modifications (including adaptations with technology) for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities. Particular


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