
Biola University 2012-2013 Catalog

General Education Course Substitutions While the general education requirement will normally be met from the courses specified in the catalog, in exceptional cases where students have the appropriate prerequisites and where the department in which the course is taught determines that the intentions of the general education requirement would be satisfied, students may request permission to substitute an upper division class for the lower division course specified in the catalog. Students are to secure written approval for such a substitution prior to taking the class. Electives Normally a student has considerable freedom in the choice of electives in addition to the biblical studies and theology, general education and major requirements. However, in addition to the note given at the end of the biblical studies and theology requirements, the non-music major is limited to a maximum of 8 credits in applied music (including ensembles) and the non- physical education major is limited to 8 credits in physical education or skill courses.

Physical Education 4 credits Each student is required to complete 4 credits of physical education to be eligible for graduation. Selection from the following skill classes (101,110, 130, 140, 150). Students may select one credit of recreation skill and one dance class to meet the general education requirement. Note: First Aid and CPR do not count as P.E. activity credit. Four credits of P.E. are required containing three different activity skills, allowing one skill to be repeated at a higher level to complete the four activities. In addition, three different activities are required to fulfill the 4 credit general education requirement. Exampl A student who has taken beginning volleyball once may take it at the intermediate/advanced level once. Credit for varsity sports may be substituted for two regularly scheduled physical education classes. In addition to the 4 credits of physical education activities required for general education, the student may complete 4 more credits (a maximum of eight) to apply towards graduation. Students 21 years of age at the time of entrance to Biola are exempt from the physical education requirement. Students studying for the multiple subject teaching credential but not selecting physical education as a minor area of emphasis, should select PEED 201 and two other physical education activity classes to fulfill the general education requirement.

8 credits

Science / Mathematics

Eight credits are required in science and / or mathematical sciences. A minimum of 3 credits in math and 3 credits in science is required. Biology 100 with 110 and Physical Science 101 with 102 have both been designed for the student with a limited background in science. The courses in Science / Mathematics approved for General Education credit are: Anthropology (ANTH) 222, 223 Biology (BIOS) 100, 103, 110, 112, 120, 130, 290 Chemistry (CHEM) 100, 105, 112 Mathematics (MATH) 101, 102, 103, 105, 120 or 130, 190, 210, 31 8 Physical Science (PHSC) 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111 & 117, 115 & 119, 132 & 134, 250 Note: BIOS 252 Human Anatomy and BIOS 281 Physiology are for Nursing, Human Biology and Physical Education majors only, CHEM 112 is for Nursing majors. For those students who need to complete 1 or 2 credits remaining in their math / science requirement, Computer Science (CSCI) 104 or Physical Science (PHSC) 105 is acceptable. Exception, those in the Bachelor of Music program or the Bachelor of Fine Arts.


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