
Off-Campus Semester & Study Tours Programs

opportunity is designed to combine classroom learning, ministry, mission and practical internships in a unique and challenging cross-cultural environment. Along with receiving up to 16 credits, students will live, learn and grow academically, experientially, and spiritually. While living in Ecuador, students will experience a variety of new cultures, gain a global perspective and understand in a new way the joys and the challenges of serving God. Students will enjoy the rich interaction with teachers, faculty, ministry site hosts, and other students who are on this same journey. The program introduces students to the diversity of Ecuador, including Quito, the Amazon Jungle, and the Galapagos Islands. This interdisciplinary, cross- cultural program enables students to communicate and understand the unique challenges of a developing nation and teaches them to respond with an informed, Christ- centered worldview. For contact information please visit the following website: contact.

Creation Care Study Program Recommended Courses New Zealand New Zealand Ecosystems


4 4

God & Nature

Introduction to Sustainable Community Development Electives Environmental Literature




12 - 15 credits

Recommended Courses Belize Tropical Ecosystems


4 4

God & Nature

Introduction to Sustainable Community Development Electives Environmental Literature


3 2


Quito Semester Program Recommended Courses


12 - 15 credits


Required Courses Spanish

Focus Leadership Institute (FFI/FLI) The Focus Leadership Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is a highly competitive college opportunity that focuses on leadership training with the goal of restoring families, reviving the church and transforming society. A semester at the Institute provides personalized experience that strengthens students’ love for Christ and for families. The program offers up to 15 credit hours (or eight credits during the summer) in a supporting and exciting community living and learning environment. Regardless of academic discipline, a semester at the Institute is considered one of the best “life training experiences.” Biola students may apply to the Focus Leadership Institute following their sophomore year. For contact information please visit the following website: contact. Focus Leadership Institute Recommended Courses Credits


Ecuador 205: History, Politics & Culture of Ecuador Core Courses (select at least two) Intercultural Practicum


3 3 3 3 3 3

Spiritual Formation

Worldview and World Religions


Cultural Anthropology

Global Marketing Management

Business as Mission


15-1 8 credits

Affiliated University/College Semester Programs Development Studies in Honduras (DSP) development Biola students attending the Development Studies in Honduras spend a Fall semester living with Honduran families and studying economic development theories in the context of poor communities in Honduras. In your host city of Tegucigalpa, you’ll learn about the factors that make Honduras the third poorest country in the western world. Then you’ll use that knowledge as a lens to look at the rest of the world. Come to Honduras and watch as development theories leap off the pages of your Calvin textbooks and come alive at garment factories, banana plantations and subsistence farms. Then, use all these experiences to better understand your role as a Christian in our world today.

Christian Worldview Studies

3 3 3 3 3

Family, Church and Society Studies Marriage and Family Life Studies Gender and Leadership Studies Professional Practicum Studies


15 credits

Quito Semester Program (QES) Living and Learning in Quito, Ecuador is a cross-cultural program available to students who desire to continue their education in an international setting. This semester


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