ANTH 306 - Cognitive Anthropology Survey of the growth and development of anthropological theories and research methods for understanding cultural knowledge. Explores key ideas, concepts and issues relating to cognition, culture and meaning. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 310 - Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology: Language, Culture & Society This course is a holistic approach to language that addresses the interdependence of language and culture in society. It examines the relationship between cognition and behavior to language in communities worldwide. Topics include the structure of language and interaction, symbols and metaphors, language and identity, language and cognition, classification of experience, and language and power. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 312 - Archaeology Methods &Theories Survey of approaches, methods and theory used in current and past archaeological research. The class addresses the use of assumptions, models, strategies and research designs. Prerequisite(s): 215. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 315 - Field Methods in Archaeology I Field archaeology examines the principles of archaeological site survey, excavation and laboratory operation. The course is focused on the hands-on study of the methodology of field and laboratory processes commonly used to recover and study the wide range of materials recovered from archaeological contexts. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 316 - Field Methods in Archaeology II Enhanced course in the principles of archaeological field and laboratory process. The course focuses on the mapping, stratigraphy and specialized methods of data recovery archaeological data. Students are introduced to principles of leadership and organization of field archaeology, and professional and ethical conduct. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite(s): 315. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 320 - Topics in Gender Studies Examination of a variety of issues related to gender. Topics may include gender and communication, globalization and gender, feminization of poverty, representation of gender, etc. Prerequisite(s): 200. Note(s): May be repeated once with different course content. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ANTH 321 - Prehistoric Cultures of North America The origin and development of the cultures of the prehistoric peoples of North America and north of Mexico are explored using archaeological evidence. The class focuses on the development of regional and continent-wide patterns of human adaptation. Prerequisite(s): 200, 215. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 325 - Comparative Folklore & Mythology A cross-cultural comparison of the oral traditions of cultures including an examination of major themes, cultural uses of myth, and the anthropological analysis and interpretation of folk literature in society. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 330 - California Native Americans Survey of native California groups indigenous to the state at the beginning of the historic period. Environmental and technological adaptations, social organization, religious systems, art and culture change are explored in this survey class. Prerequisite(s): 200. Credit(s): 3.
ANTH 335 - World Archaeology Survey of the development of ancient culture and society throughout the world. Regional development of cultures and general themes of social behavior are explored, with a focus on the adaptation, social organization, technology and culture change. Prerequisite(s): 200. Credit(s): 3.
ANTH 342 - Social Justice & Human Rights An introduction to major themes and issues in the
anthropological study of social justice and human rights. Common human rights violations will be considered from an anthropological perspective and in the light of Scripture. Various tools for engaging in social activism and advocacy, rescuing the oppressed and undertaking social justice and human rights interventions will be considered. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 345 - Ethnographic Field Methods Techniques of field methods learned such as genealogies, participant observation, life history, mapping, structured interviews, etc. in preparation for the field practicum. Ethnographic research conducted as part of the course. Prerequisite(s): 200. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 350 - Anthropological Field Practicum A six-week field learning situation during which time students, under supervision, will engage in the application of field methods of research including participatory observation, interviews, mapping, and other data gathering strategies as appropriate to their discipline. Prerequisite(s): 200, 345. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 361 - Anthropology of Gender The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non- Western and biblical cultures. Focus on responsibilities, obligations, expectations, leadership and interrelationships as they relate to the society as a whole. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 365 - Biblical Archaeology: Ancient Near East The history of archaeology and literature of the Ancient Near East and the bearing of archaeological findings on the interpretation of the Old Testament. Prerequisite(s): 215; BBST 109. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 366 - Biblical Archaeology: Palestine The history of the excavation, the history and geography of Palestine and how archaeological findings have bearing upon Biblical interpretations. Prerequisite(s): 215; BBST 110. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 370 - Topics in Cultural Anthropology Examination of a variety of anthropological issues from either a theoretical or applied perspective including: marriage customs, leadership patterns, political relations, indigenous movements, culture change, worldview, etc. Prerequisite(s): 200. Note(s): May be repeated with different course content. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 400 - Political Anthropology Cross-cultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, and training as they affect communication, national and international development. Credit(s): 3.
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