

psychological, postmodern, or feminist theoretical approaches. Note(s): Course may be repeated once with different course content. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ANTH 470 - Topics in Social Justice & Human Rights Exploration of the contributions of anthropology and/or other academic disciplines to human rights and/or social justice considerations. Anthropological topics may include critical ethnography, cross-cultural approaches to developing international human rights standards, various forms of trafficking (human, organ, cultural heritage, etc.), genocide and ethnocide, anthropological ethics, representation and subjectivity in human rights and social justice contexts, universalism and relativism, anthropology of post-liberalism and neo-liberalism, cultural legitimacy, narrative approaches to transformational change, etc. Credit(s): 3. ANTH 480 - Directed Research in Anthropology Individual directed research in anthropology on a specific topic or problem. Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing. Note(s): May be repeated with different content to a total of 6 credits. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ANTH 490 - Thesis Research for and writing of a thesis under the supervision and guidance of an anthropology faculty mentor. Credit(s): 1 - 6.


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