Restoration Ecology 4 Ecological and theoretical foundations for ecosystem and biotic community restoration. This course develops ecological principles for ecosystem restoration and applies them to redeeming and restoring degraded and damaged ecosystems and endangered species. Field studies include analysis of restoration and rehabilitation work with Kirtland Warbler, an officially designated wild river, coastal dunes, kettle-hole bogs, deforested lands, degraded residential and farming sites, and abandoned oil wells. A practical field laboratory is included in which techniques are applied to a specific site. Au Sable offering. 4 Au Sable is a Christian institute focusing on field studies from a stewardship perspective. Biola is a participating member of the institute. Courses are taught at field stations in Michigan, Washington, Florida and India. Coursework taken through the institute can be counted as elective credit in the Biological Sciences, or may be substituted for specific major requirements. Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 16 units. Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies General Ecology 4 An introduction to the general concepts of the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems, including physiological ecology, speciation and evolutionary theory. Laboratory includes computer simulations, fieldwork and a research project. Prerequisites: 112 and 112L; MATH 210 or 318. Lab fee: $60. 4 Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ecology, and morphology of animal parasites with emphasis on those affecting humans. When Offered: Alternate years. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 112, 112L. Lab fee: $60. Parasitology Topics in Environmental Science 1-4 Selected topics in environmental science. Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 8 units. Au Sable or Pacific Rim offering. 1-4 Selected topics in natural resource management. Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 8 units. Au Sable or Pacific Rim offering. Topics in Natural Resource Management Seminar in Advanced Biology 1 Literature research followed by oral presentation, group discussion and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior biological science major standing. 1 Professionally supervised participation in a research project at a laboratory facility or an industry. Documentation of the time spent and the activities performed as well as a written paper explaining the project are required. Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent. A minimum of thirty hours of involvement. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units. Internship
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