King's Business - 1943-07


July 1943

emp t y . Construction will be made easier if a cardboard pattern is made, shaped like a halfsole, to fit the can, from which the tin is cut. Color the water a light blue, and put % of it in the can before beginning the les­ son. Paste a band of paper around the can and print “EGYPT” on it.) LESSON: We will let this glass of -blue water remind us of the children of Israel. The tin can will represent Egypt. Joseph was sold into Egypt. We will put a spoonful of water in the can to remind us of him. When the great famine came, his brothers, father, and other relatives -followed. [Pour the rest of the water into the can.] The time came when the Israel­ ites were made slaves. They were not allowed to leave Egypt. The Lord heard their cry and sent Moses, with the mir­ acle-working rod. Nine judgments came upon the land of Egypt, but Pharaoh still refused to let the children of Israel go. We will strike the can nine times with this stick. See, none of the water will come out. [Tilt the can with the inset on the lower side. The mouth of the can should be away from the audience.] The tenth judgment was the death of the first-born. We will strike the can harder than before. God promised Moses that Pharaoh would let them go after this judgment, which he did. [Tilt the can with the insert on the upper side.] The glass is nearly full, as the water is poured into it repre­ senting the Israelites and all their children going dut of Egypt. God always k e e p s His promises when His commands are obeyed, and He did bring the children of Israel out of Egypt (Ex. 12:51).

for ever and ever” (Psa. 145:2; cf. 9:1). APPROACH: Sally Jane s p e n t an afternoon in the woods. And she lost her way. At first she did not mind, for she was having a good time. But

his nation to the captivity. Sooner or later, all of us have our ’"why” or “wherefore.” Even our Lord when hang­ ing upon His cross cried: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46). In times when questions come may God give us grace to bow in humble submission and be assured that He does all things well. 2. "I am the LORD" (Ex. 6:2). The Revised Version translates the pas­ sage more accurately, “I am Jehovah.” This was the most precious name for God among the Hebrews. It was His redemptive name. It came to be so wonderful to the Hebrews that they would not even pronounce it. In read­ ing, when they came to this name, they pronounced the name Adonai in its stead. Historians tell. us .that be­ fore a scribe would write the name “Jehovah,” he was required to wash his whole body lest that holy name should be tainted in the writing. Jesus is the Jehovah of the JJew Testament. How precious and holy is His lovely name (Acts 4:12)! . 3. "I will bring you out" (Ex. 6:6). Over certain doors in public buildings is the word “Exit” in bold, illuminated letters of red. It means “the way out.” This is the significance of the Book of Exodus. It is God saying, “This way out.” Eicodus is the book of emanci­ pation, redemption, and salvation. The expression “out of Egypt” occurs at least thirty-six times in Exodus, and is a key phrase. The book is of tre­ mendous importance because it gives the story of redemption in a threefold aspect: (1) Through a Person, “I am come down to deliver” (Ex. 3:8); (2) Through a sacrifice, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Ex. 12:13); and (3) Through omnipotent power and provision, “I bare you on eagles’ wings” (Ex. 19:4). Golden Text Illustration P salm 50:15 “What do you do without a mother to tell all your troubles to?” asked one child of another. “Mother told me to whom to go before she died,” answered the little orphan. "I go to the Lord Jesus. He was Mother’s Friend, and He’s mine.” “Jesus is in the sky. He is a long way off, and He has a great many things to attend to in heaven. It is not likely He can stop to mind you,” re­ plied her friend. "I do not know anything about that,” said the orphan. “All I know is, He says He will, and that’s enough for me.” "Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee” (Psa. 50:15; cf. 91:15).—Selected. When People Pray E xodus 5 to 12 MEMORY VERSE: “Every day will I bless thee; and'I will praise thy name

as it grew dark, she began to cry, “Oh, I wish my f a t h e r w o u l d come,” she s a i d to h e r s e 1f. She w a n t e d him so much! It seemed

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i \ nimnnnnni a l°nR t i m e to ^ come, to carry her in his arms to their home. In a way, the children of Israel were like Sally Jane. LESSON STORY: The Lord’s people were once in a land that was not home to them. They were very unhap­ py there because they were slaves and their masters made them work harder and h a r d e r . Their loving heavenly Father said He would make them free, and He did, but not right away. The trouble they had was to teach them some good lessons, and it was to show those who were their/ masters that God can do what no p e r s o n can. Pharaoh, the ruler, said something like this to God's people, “No! You cannot go away to worship God as you want to!” Then God let him suf­ fer many kinds of things—all of them to show him, and everybody, that the heavenly Father is the One to be wor­ shiped. (Tell thè story of the visita­ tion df the plagues as illustration of this fact.) Object Lesson E scaping from E gypt OBJECTS: A glass of water, a small round stick, a small spoon, some blue ink, and a can. (A two-pound coffee can is suitable for this lesson. An inset of .tin is soldered obliquely on the inside of the can, from the top of one side to within 2 % inches of the bot­ tom, reaching % of the way across the can. When the can is turned, the water runs ,back of the inset, giving the can the a p p e a r a n c e of being s • Division E xo d u s 13:17 A n d it cam e to pass*, w hen Pha rao h had let the people go, that God led them not through the w a y of the land of the Philistines, although that w a s near; for God said, L est peradventure the peo­ ple repent w hen they see w ar, and they return to Egyp t: 18 B u t God led the people about, through the w a y of the w ilderness of the Rod sea: and the children of Israel w ent up h a r­ nessed out of the land of Egypt. 19 A n d M oses took the bones of Joseph w ith him : for he had strsitly sw orn the children of Israel, saying, God w ill surely v isit you; and ye shall carry up m y bones aw a y hence w ith you. 20 A n d the y took their Journey from Succoth, and encam ped in Etham , in the edge of the w ilderness.

AUGUST 8, 1943 GOD SHOWS HIS PEOPLE THE WAY E xodus 13 to 15

21 A n d the Lord w ent before them by Hay In a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the w a y; and by night In a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by d ay and night. 22 H e took not aw a y the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. Exo d u s 15:17 T ho u shalt bring them in, and plant them in the m ountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Lord, w hich thou hast m ade for th’ee to dwell in; in the sanctuary, O Lord, w hich thy hands have established. 18 T he Lord shall reign for ever and ever, 19 F o r the horse of Pha rao h w ent In w ith his chariots and w ith his horsem en In-

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