King's Business - 1943-07

July 1943


LESSON: This piece óf paper has “GOD’S WORD” printed down the mid­ dle. It suggests to us the“’Bible, it is God’s desire that we give the Bible a very important place in our lives. God wanted Moses and the children of Israel to give an important place In their lives to His Word. If we open this paper, perhaps we shall see what God wanted them to do with His Word.

We read, “GATES, SOUL, HANDS, HEARTS, WALKING, WORKING, REST­ ING, and CHILDREN.” In Deuteronomy 11:20, we read, “And thou shalt write them... upon thy gates.” Verse 18 says, “Lay Up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand.” Turn to verse 19 and you will see that they were supposed to teach God’s Word to the boys and girls while working, walking, and resting. Today God does not require that we print the Word of God on our gates and doors, but it is His desire that we hide His Word in our hearts, and give »it the most important place in our lives. God gave the children of Israel a wonderful promise which would be theirs if they obeyed. You may find it in Deuteronomy 11:21. 34:27 A n d the Lord said unto Moses, W rite thou these w ords: for after the tenor of these w ord s I have m ade a covenant w ith' thee and w ith Israel. 28 A n d he w a s there wtth the Lord fo rty d a ys and fo rty nigh ts; he did neither eat bread, nor d rin k water. A n d he w rote upon the tables the w o rd s of the covenant, the ten comm andm ents. L E S S O N T E X T : Ex. 32:7-10; 34:4-9, 27. 28. G O L D E N T E X T : "T h e Lord Is lo n g -su f. fering, and of great m ercy, fo rg iv in g In* iquity and tra n sg re ssio n " (N um . 14:18). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : Jer. 31:31-34. Outline and Exposition , T he I dolatry (32:7-10) S HE UNTRUTHFUL report of the Egypt” (v. 8), was a denial of God’s presence with them, of His power for them,.and of His essential deity in all His relations with them. It was also a denial of their natural inherent help­ lessness, of their f a l l e n nature as human beings, and of their great sin­ fulness before God. They had turned “quickly out of the way,” and cor­ rupted themselves with idolatry. God told Moses He had seen and marked the iniquity of the nation, and He declared they were “a stiffnecked people.” The ‘command of God: “Let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them,” was a test both of Israel as a nation and of Moses as an individual. II. T he P lea ;(34:4-9) When the people fell into idolatry and Moses learned of it, he became so filled with righteous indignation that he threw down the “tables of testi­ mony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God” (31:18), and broke I.

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A U G U S T 29, 1943 ISRAEL’S SIN AND RESTORATION E xodu s 32 to 34

E xo d u s 32:7 A n d the Lord said unto M oses, Go, get thee dow n; for th y people, w hich thou broughteat out of the land of Egyp t, have corrupted them selves: 8 T h e y have turned aside q uickly out of the w a y w h ich I comm anded them : they have m ade them a molten calf, and have w orshipped it, and have sacrificed the re un ­ to, ana said, T hese be th y gods, O Israel, w hich have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 9 A n d the Lord said unto M oses, I have 6een th is people, and, behold, it is a stiff­ necked people: 10 N ow therefore let me alone, that m y w rath m ay w a x hot a ga in st them , and that I m ay consum e them : and I w ill m ake of thee a great nation. 34:4 A n d he hewed tw o tables of stone like unto the first; and M oses rose up early jn the m orning, and w ent up unto m ount Sinai, as the Lord had comm anded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone. 5 A n d the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood w ith him there, .and proclaim ed the nam e of the Lord. 6 A n d the Lord passed by before him, and proclaim ed. T he Lord, T he Lord God, m erciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7 Keeping m ercy for thousands, fo rg iv ­ ing in iq uity and tran sgre ssion and sin, and that w ill by no m eans clear the gu ilty; v is ­ iting the in iq uity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth ge ne ra­ tion. 8 A n d M o se s m ade haste, and bowed bis head tow ard the earthy and w orshipped. 9 A n d he said, If now I have found grace in th y sight, O Lord, let m y Lord, I p ra y thee, go am ong us; for it is a stiff­ necked people; and pardon ou r in iq uity and o u r sin, and take us for thine inheritance.

children of Israel, “These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out. of the land of

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