King's Business - 1943-07

July 1943


it. Will my prayer life be quickened in doing it? Will my' life count more for God? These are questions of chief importance. ------- AUGUST 8, 1943 YOUTH AT THE WHEEL 2 T imothy 2:15 By William Retts- Introduction •A short time ago, two young Army fliers hurtled their Republic "Thun­ derbolt” fighter planes through space at 725 miles per hour.- Symbolic it is, that two young Americans should be the first to attain such a speed—faster- than any other human beings ever have trayeled. Symbolic it is of Amer­ ica’s coming air supremacy both in pilots and planes, and significant in that it draws our attention to the fact that the frontiers of today are being conquered by the youth of the world. This fact came home forcefully to me a few months ago when I learned that although I am only twenty-eight, with twelve hundred h o u r s on my log books, I am too old to become a com­ bat pilot. In the air, a man is old at twenty-eight! ------- For Those Who Have Topics I. YOUTH AT JHE WHEEL OF-DES­ TINY. , Youth, today is at the wheel of our destiny as a nation. The Ma r i n e fighter-pilots who wrote a saga of the air over Guadalcanal were nearly all under twenty-three years of age. The men doing the hard jobs in our armed forces are young men. The comman­ dos, paratroopers, tank-men, subma­ rine and PT boat crews, pilots, navi­ gators, bombardiers, and gunners all seek out the young, physically fit men for their members. II. YOUTH AT THE WHEEL OF IN­ DUSTRY. In industry the same fact is evident.' A great LeTqurneau Ordnance plant in Mississippi has a general manager who is only thirty-four years old. The plant superintendent is twenty-seven? and the chief engineer is just twenty- four! Youth is at the wheel of indus­ try. (Local examples may be cited easily.) III. YOUTH AT THE WHEEL OF MORALS. What about the moral realm? Do young people today know God better, lead more consecrated lives, and pio­ neer the vast resources of God’s power more than young people did a decade ago? We need only to glance at the statistics of drunkenness and crime to see that they do not. The average criminal age continues to s t e a d i l y lower. Boy "gangs” receive nation­ wide publicity because of their defiant and brazen crimes. The tide of ju­ venile delinquency rises in a floodlike wave in spite of all attempts to stop it. The moral conditions around our

Homiletics and Evangelism Two companion courses of 20 lessons each on ‘‘The Art of Sermon :Construction’* and “ The Art of Soul Winning.’* Start with the mind, reach the sensi­ bilities, and get action from the will. Masterful preachers need masterful methods. Both cours­ es $1. Union Bible Seminary, Dept. 405A, Westfield, Ind. FARM FRESH RALPHS fresh fruits and vegetables will perk up summertime appetites . . . load menus chock full of health! — Song Books— Camp meetings, .Bible Conferences and summer revivals will demand new song books. We offer three congregational song books containing a fine variety of Spiritual songs offered at reasonable prices. Also largo selection of Special Song Books. Send for free catalog. THE BOONE PUBLISHING CO. P. O. Box 200 Des Moines, Iowa * CHRISTMASCARDS m m r m o f f m /s r EXTRA CASH FOR CHURCH PEOPLE Sell beautiful scripture text Christ­ mas Cards. Finest 50 for $1 line. Everyday Cards for Soldiers, Sail­ ors, etc. Ju st the thing to keep the £&. INSURANCE S 5 ” MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER 3757 Wilshire Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Room 205 Phone FE. 2139 M ftHE CH R IST ¡T SOW t ) ★ Knowledge of His saving grace brought to thousands through out Tracts each year. Have your share in this soul-winning ministry. Here are Gospel Messages, keyedto the times, attractive and forceful, appealing and convincing. Also Tract Racks, Post Cards, Cellophane Sheets, etc. Big assortment. Send only 25c. Dept. KB F aith , PRAYERRTRACTLEAGUE,Mu.k.gsn HU., Mich. Impress Bible Thoughts on Their Mind« ^As They Sevv EILERS’ SEWING TEXT MOTTOES Size 6 H x 8*4 boys cheered up. Rush name for details and SAMPLE BOX on Approval. NATIONAL ART STUDIOS Dept. 87-R 3605 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio

Carlton C. Buck 3. Just as in the realm of literature and music, Satan has, in the realm of amusements, produced attractive and deadly pleasures as counterfeits of those honoring our Lord. Discuss some of the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of Satan’s amusements (without trying to pick any certain ones), i. e., sensual, dis­ sipating, degrading, dishonoring to the Lord, discouraging to p r a y e r and study, of the Word. II, WAYS OF TESTING OUR AMUSE­ MENTS. 1. One Christian young person said, “I put every amusement, under this test: The effect it has on me, the effect it might have on my brother, and the effect it would have on my Lord." 2. Another young person said, "Here is my test for amusements: Could I go to that place or do that thing— (1) conscious of my Lord's certain and speedy return, (2) able to give a testimony of His saving grace, (3) realizing that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and (4) without being a stumbling block?” 3. These “tests” reveal a desire to please the Lord by all means, and at any cost. Above all, they are Scrip­ tural, The Word of God is the convinc­ ing, positive standard by which we may test all amusements. The following conclusive passages from God’s Word are excellent for comment and memorization: 1 Corin­ thians 6:19; 10:31; Colossians 3:17; Romans 14:21; 1 John 2:15-17. (Also 2 Cor. 6:17; 2 Tim. 2:4; Col. 1:18; Phil. 4:8; 1 Cor. 8, may be considered.) For the Leader 1. Emphasize that there is a double standard for amusements. A rule which holds for the child of God (John 1:12) is not binding on one who is unsaved. John 3:18 may be used. 2. William Orr, in his booklet, What Every Christian Ought to Know, says that we should not ask what is wrong about a thing, but what is good about

Heavy stock. Small holes in card make sewing easy. De­ sign Is printed on them. 47 designs. 2 Cents Each. 100- . page catalogue free. A. H. EULERS & CO 1124 Pine St. Louis 1, Mo.

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