King's Business - 1943-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

soul. Sorrow leaves us either closer to God or farther away. It is a double- edged tool. It either scars or beautifies. By our submission, God will make it to be a favoring wind to waft us on­ ward into the safety and tranquil rest of His perfect will. —James H. McConkey. 29. The Last Supper “Is it I?” (Mk. 14:19). Perhaps at first they talked of little things At supper time that evening in the spring— The upper room was dim with candle- shine As Jesus sat with twelve, remembering. Then quietly He said, “There is one here Whose kiss will bring betrayal by and by.” They did not look at Judas curiously, But each man murmured, “Master, is it I?” Each one looked inward, frightened lest he find A shoddy place where he had dreamed of steel. None placed the guilt on any other guest Who had partaken of that gracious meal... When there are hungry on my little street, When I see tears or hear a heart’s hurt cry Because some one lias failed to keep high faith, May I, too, murmur, “Master, is it I?” —Selected. 30. No Substitute “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving” (Col. 4:2). Prayer is a labor for which there is no substitute. We need to be reminded of this because it is easy for us to look upon it in exactly the opposite way. We are inclined to think that when we are busy in the work of God, then we can without danger spend less time in prayer.—O. Hallesby. 31. Christ—Our Need “Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled” (Lk. 6:21). Use me, my Saviour. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with Thy grace. Here is my sinful and troubled soul; quicken and refresh it with Thy love. Take my heart for Thine abode; my mouth to spread the glory of Thy name; my love and all my powers, for the advancement of Thy believing people; and never suffer the steadfast­ ness and confidence of my faith to abate—that at all times I may be en­ abled to say, “Jesus needs me, and I Him; and so we suit each other.” —Gotthold.

liberately turns from his own way to follow his Master, none such will ever be left unsatisfied. Human nature, in its weakness, can but feel the present pressure, but faith foresees without faltering the assured end. Never will any of us be put to the supreme test which faced Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. He could say, at the ex- treme point of that agonizing trial, “Not my will, but thine, be done.” So let it he our joy to do the Father’s will. —The Christian. 27. David's Arsenal of Defense “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: -I will sing and give praise” (Psa. 57:7). What is your attitude when attacked by the adversary: your comfort in the hour of calamity; your refuge when re­ proached? Do you endeavor to battle them in your own strength, or do you, with David, take refuge under the shadow of the wings of Almighty God? Here is expressed David’s resolute de­ termination to sing in every hour of suffering and sorrow; to praise even when persecuted and seemingly pow- erlessr Only by a repeated yielding of our entire will to God can we be vic­ torious.—Milo F. Jamison, The Tool of Sorrow “As sorrowful, yet alway'rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things” (2 Cor. 6:10). Do not grow bitter against God, because of your sorrow. Do not push away the most mysterious tool in the Divine Graver’s hand, yet the one by which He chisels out the finest tracery of the Christ-image in your shrinking 28.

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