King's Business - 1943-07


July 1943

Angeles County General Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif. She is issuing a spe­ cial call for volunteer visitors for the sick during the summer months. Married Jesse J. Brown, ’43, and Myrtle Anna Brooks, ’43, June 11, Los Angeles, Calif. Ivan P. Deckert, ’37, and Josephine Johnson, Nov. 20, Nigeria, British West Africa. Elmer Fricke and Gloria Johnson, ’42, May 28, Los Angeles, Calif. David L. Giltner, ’42, and Margaret Heiden, Apr. 12, Santa Ana, Calif. Melvin Krug and Hazel Woodard, May 28, Los Angeles, Calif. Thomas Glenn Lawrence, B. Th. ’42, and Dorothy Irene McNabney, B. S. M. ’42, June 11, Hawthorne, Calif. Roy’ V. Nelson, ’40, and Grace Up­ dike, ’41, May 28, Ceres, Calif. Heber Richins, ’43, and Phylis Eve­ lyn Swinne’y, June 10, Puente, Calif. Lome C. Sanny arid Lubille C. Brooks, June 13, Modesto, Calif. John F. Wuthrich, B. Th. ’43, and Lois Harris, ’43, June 10, Los Angeles, Calif. , Born To Arthur and Mrs. Bakker (Mary Louise Bushnell, ’40), a daughter, Ruth Ann, Apr. 27, Somerton, Ariz. To Mr. E. C. and Mrs. Bowling (Ag­ nes Pack), a son, David Clyde, Apr. 10, Beaver, W. Va. To Herbert and Mrs. Franz (Martha Gerig), a daughter, Sharon Louise, Apr. 9, Marlin, Wash. To William P. (’41) and Mrs. Heath (Eunice Cochran), a daughter, Lola Pearl, June 10, Baldwin Park, Calif. To George (B. Th. ’43) and Mrs. Johnson, twin daughters, Sharon Ei­ leen and Karen Anne, June 10, Los Angeles, Calif. To William R. (’33) and Mrs. Jones, a daughter, Mary Lucinda, May 7, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. To LeRoy Alvin'and Mrs. Shaver, a daughter, Sharon Elaine, Feb. 4, Buf- -falo, New York. To Oran and Mrs. Smith, a daughter, Nancy Louise, May 7, Santa Ana, Calif. To James and Mrs. Swanson (Ra­ mona Cammer, ’39), a daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, Mar. 22, Pino Grande, Calif. To John C. (’31) ririd Mrs. Wiebe (Nancy Tupman, ’32), a son, John Douglas, Jan. 5, Kano, Nigeria, West Africa. With the Lord Mrs. Allyn B. Cooke (Leila Robinson, ’18), was called into the presence of the Lord on May 7, in China, where she and her husband, Allyn B. Cooke, ’18, have served for many years under the China Inland Mission. She also leaves two sons, David and Joseph.

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

Classwork and Schools During the summer of 1942, Wilda Miller, ’32, and a group of other young people conducted Daily V a c a t i o n Bible Schools in various South Dakota towns. She helped to organize Child Evangelism Fellowship classes in the Black Hills area during the fall months with many children accepting Christ. In March Miss Miller was called to southern Oregon to teach Euodia classes. Mildred Kruse, ’24, is sponsoring the work. At the present time ' there are five of these Bible classes in operation for junior high and senior high girls. Miss Miller will also be directing young people’s work in one: of the churches. Her home address is 230 Orange St., Co­ vina, Calif. Hilda Riffel, ’32, has been teaching child evangelism classes in Sacra­ mento, Calif. She writes: “We have thirty-six classes here. Although at­ tending Sunday-school, many of the boys and girls told us that they had never had an opportunity to accept Christ as their Saviour.” .Ernestine Martin, ’40, joined Miss Riffel and Edna Bese in this child evangelism work in March. They may be addres­ sed at Apt. B-916 “O” St., Sacramento, Calif. Duane and Mrs. Owings (Mary Best, ’35), may be reached at the Gospel Ambassadors’ Bible School, 1301 Vine St., Kansas City, Mo., where they have been invited to work among the col­ ored people. They write: “We would appreciate your prayers as we teach classes in Bible Doctrine and Bible Summary, contact colored ministers and Sunday-school teachers and lead­ ers, and conduct D.V.B.S.” With their young children, twin boys, they are unable to return to Africa at the present time. R. Bryant Mitchell, ’24, for nine years has been Dean of Open Bible Institute, 850 Eighteenth St., Des Moines, Iowa. He and Mrs. Mitchell write that there are about 150 stu­ dents enrolled, in training for the ministry. Nick N. (’39) and Mrs. Neufeld (Margaret Cloake, ’39) are in Kansas City, Kans., where Nick is attending the Central Baptist Theological Sem­ inary. He is also serving in a local church. Herman Baerg, ’39, received the Di­ ploma of Theology from Grace Theo­ logical seminary, Winona Lake, Indi­ ana, on May 21. Mrs. Baerg (Mar­ guerite Hoffman) also has been at­ tending several classes there. Thomas H. Shearin, a former Biola student, is now a lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps, having

graduated from the La Junta Army Flying “School, La Junta, Colo., Class 43-E, May 20. Missionaries in North America Frank E. Manning, ’28, was at the eight-day missionary conference con­ ducted simultaneously in six different churches of Detroit, Mich. Other Bio- Ians on the program were Anne E. Thomas, ’18, and James L. Carder, ’26. Mr. Manning represented the Africa Inland Mission, Miss Thomas the Cen­ tral American Mission, and Mr. Carder the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. Edward (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs. Aren- sen (Esther Digerness, ’40), have been working with the Missionary Gospel Fellowship in Arizona. In April they expected to begin deputational work under the Africa Inland Mission prior to leaving for the field. They may be addressed at 373 Carlton Ave., Brook­ lyn, N. Y. Helen Graber, ’37, and Henry Neale, ’33, are working in the Los Angeles mission of the American "Board of Missions to the Jews, 2005 Brooklyn Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Hal M. Reed, ’23, Route 1, LaFayette,. O., for six years has sponsored a weekly radio broadcast called the Gos­ pel of Grace. In addition, he is teach­ ing weekly Bible classes and writing Sunday-school:comments for a local paper. He and his wife with their five children are living on a farm. He writes: “God has given us a gracious ministry to the unsaved and in teach­ ing believers.” Eva Krenzler (’42) is serving as Sunday-school visitor and is superin­ tendent of the Junior High Depart­ ment of the Sunday-school at t h e Havenscourt Memorial Church, 1444 Havenscourt Blvd., Oakland, Calif. She also reaches 100 children a week through child evangelism classes in the afternoons. George (’42) and Mrs. Pugh (Quer- ida Farmer, ’42) have been engaged in child evangelism work in connec­ tion with the ministry of William G. (’27) and Mrs. Graves (Madge Hen­ derson, ’23) in By-Way Evangelism. They may be addressed at 1000 Fifth St., Vallejo, Calif. With a new chapel on wheels which will hold sixty peo­ ple, they are holding services in trailer camps and other defense dis­ tricts near Vallejo and are praising God for this opportunity' to take the Word to the people in . these un­ churched areas. Mina Septer, ’20, is in charge of the Hospital Gospel Ministry under the General Chaplain’s office in the Los

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