experienced lameness diagnosticians. This presentation will describe the way the author approaches the lameness examination in a step-by-step process. Subjective and objective means of lameness evaluation will be discussed with the pros and cons of each described. EQUINE JOINT THERAPIES Mike J. Schoonover, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | Room 006 B Intra-articular therapies are commonly recommended in equine practice. The number of medication and products available to practitioners seems infinite and overwhelming to many. This presentation will discuss common and some not so common, intra-articular therapies used in the horse. Audience participation in the discussion will be welcomed and appreciated. NECK ASSOCIATED LAMENESS Jonuel Cruz-Sanabria, DVM, MS 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM | Room 006 B Will cover lameness exam for neck pain, common pathologies, diagnostics and treatments. BACK ASSOCIATED LAMENESS Jonuel Cruz-Sanabria, DVM, MS 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM | Room 006 B Will cover lameness exam for back pain, common pathologies, diagnostics and treatments. PODIATRY Britt Conklin, DVM 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM | Room 006 B Approaches to equine podiatry and its application to pedal and sports medicine pathologies can be simplified by applying five mechanical principles to any accurate diagnosis. Therapeutic shoeing can take on many forms, from traditional shoe modifications to a whole host of podiatry appliances aimed at therapy. It is essential to understand that therapeutic shoeing and its pedal modifications only alter the mechanical forces of leverage, tension, pressure, protection and stabilization. Once a diagnosis is found, a practitioner can look at these five categories and determine which principle(s) is most appropriate to address in the foot and communicate that to the farrier. PODIATRY Britt Conklin, DVM 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM | Room 006 B Case presentations I Case presentations will build on the application of the 5 mechanical principles foundation. They will include cases that address various components of Leverage, Tension, Pressure, Protection and Stabilization. The cases presented will begin with pathologies that have a singular mechanical need and then progress to multiple pathologies with multiple mechanical needs. We will also address some routine podiatry case material that practitioners see and manage in primary care settings. PODIATRY Britt Conklin, DVM 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM | Room 006 B Case Presentations II Case presentations will build on the application of the 5 mechanical principles foundation and address advanced podiatry cases. This will include selected material on the endocrine laminitic, the use of cast material, bandaging, clogs and abscess management. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 _______________________________________ FUNDAMENTALS OF THE RESPIRATORY EXAMINATION Laura Riggs, DVM, PhD, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR (Equine) 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM | Room 006 B This presentation will focus on fundamentals of the upper and lower respiratory examination in the adult horse. The proper function of the equine upper airway requires the coordinated effort of a large
ASSOCIATION OF SHELTER VETERINARIANS' SHELTER GUIDELINES: WHAT'S NEW AND WHY WE CARE Rachael Kreisler, VMD, MSCE, DACVPM (Epidemiology) 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 1 Every decision in an animal shelter affects animal health. This session will introduce participants to the Association of Shelter Veterinarians (ASV) 2022 Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters. The document has become the go-to guide for animal shelters, rescues and foster homes. Attendees will learn why animal shelters need standards and why the guidelines from 2010 were updated after 10+ years. This session will also introduce attendees to the Five Domains of Animal Welfare. Discover how veterinarians, staff and managers can use these guidelines to improve animal health and wellbeing. INCREASE YOUR SURGICAL FLOW EFFICIENCY: USING AN EVIDENCE-BASED APPROACH TO ELIMINATE INEFFECTIVE PROCEDURES Rachael Kreisler, VMD, MSCE, DACVPM (Epidemiology) 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 1 Sometimes less is more. Learn how to increase your efficiency by using an evidence-based approach to identifying and eliminating ineffective procedures. Attendees will learn how research findings diffuse into clinical practice and barriers to cessation of ineffective practices. Three common perioperative clinical practices will be provided as examples of opportunities to do more by doing less of procedure that do not help our patients. Learn tips for determining what is effective and where to find resources to assist your clinical decision making. EMERGENCY MEDICINE IN THE FIELD, ANIMAL SHELTER OR OTHER AUSTERE ENVIRONMENT Rachael Kreisler, VMD, MSCE, DACVPM (Epidemiology) 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 1 What happens when an emergency presents in an austere environment such as a field clinic? Veterinarians working in shelters or in the field will Almost certainly be presented animals in urgent or emergent condition. With preparation, life saving diagnosis and treatment may be performed on animals whose alternative otherwise would be euthanasia. This lecture focuses on fixed cost equipment, high yield diagnostics and lesser known diagnostics that may provide practitioners the ability to help animals in austere environments. XENOTRANSFUSION FROM DOGS TO CATS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS: SHOULD THIS BE OUR FIRST CHOICE? Rachael Kreisler, VMD, MSCE, DACVPM (Epidemiology) 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 1 Xenotransfusion of dog blood to cats has been performed for decades. There are a significant number of advantages to sourcing blood for transfusion to cats from dogs. Attendees will learn about the research supporting the use of this technique as well as its limitations scaffolded on a real-life tale from the trenches case of a canine to feline blood transfusion under field conditions. EQUINE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 _______________________________________ EQUINE LAMENESS EXAMINATION Mike J. Schoonover, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM | Room 006 B Lameness is not in itself a disease, but rather a clinical sign indicating pain or dysfunction. It is best described as an asymmetry of gait or motion of the horse. Determining the anatomic location and/or cause of lameness can be a challenging task, even for
CATS WITH HEART DISEASE...UGH, IS IT SAFE TO...? Henry Green, DVM, DACVIM 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 2 This talk will provide details and answer questions often asked of this cardiologist in relation to the safety of handling of cats with heart disease. Following a brief review of the updates in feline cardiology terminology, we will go through recommendations for common clinical scenarios in cats with cardiac disease. While not all encompassing, this talk will provide some general guidelines to help minimize any negative results related to our feline cardiac patients. FELINE ARTERIAL THROMBOEMBOLIC DISEASE: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 2 Thromboembolism can be a dreadful complication of cardiac disease in cats that all too often end in euthanasia prior to the onset of clinical therapy. This talk will review the clinical syndrome of feline arterial thromboembolism and update potential treatments based on the latest studies. We will work from the premise that these patients need a chance for clinical response to determine their outcomes rather than historical perceptions. 24 HOURS CAN TELL A STORY Henry Green, DVM, DACVIM 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM | Hemisfair Ballroom 2 Cardiology cases can present with a number of different signalments and clinical signs. Your approach to these cases will vary significantly based on your training and experience as well as those tests available to you at the time of the case presentation. Let’s work through some cases. While I will present cases from my files, attendees are encouraged to bring their own cases for discussion as well. LEPTOSPIROSIS: CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND WHAT IS THE RISK TO VETERINARY PROFESSIONALS Mark Acierno, DVM, DACVIM 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM | Room 214 A Current diagnosis and treatment recommendations and what is the risk to veterinary professionals and how to minimize the risk. NOW HOW DO WE TURN OFF THIS SPIGOT??? (DIAGNOSING AND TREATING CANINE INCONTINENCE) Mark Acierno, DVM, DACVIM 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | Room 214 A Pathophysiology of canine incontinence is explored. Diagnostic algorithms based on breed and age are presented. Tests from those easily performed in practice to those available only at specialized practices are discussed. Treatment protocols are presented. HELP! HELP! I CAN’T PEE!! (FELINE LOWER URINARY TRACT DISEASE) Mark Acierno, DVM, DACVIM 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM | Room 214 A We will cover how to work with this frustrating condition. Diagnostic strategies for patients are provided. We will also discuss which diagnostics the clinicians should perform. Latest recommendations are presented. UTIS AND THE CHANGING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY Mark Acierno, DVM, DACVIM (Epidemiology) 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM | Room 214 A We look at the latest guidelines suggesting that bacteriuria in absence of clinial signs is not a reason for antimicrobial therapy. We delve into the questions of what antibiotics are appropriate for empirical therapy, how to interpret minimum inhibitory concentration and treatment protocols for both sporadic and recurrent UTIs. CARDIOLOGY CASE REVIEWS! Henry Green, DVM, DACVIM
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