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our respective bargaining tables,” the joint TUBUFNFOUTBJEi8FPODFBHBJODBMMPO the government to respect our right to free and fair collective bargaining, and come to our bargaining tables prepared to engage in meaningful discussions about critical issues facing publicly funded education in Ontario. Issues such as increased violence in schools, resources and supports for student mental health, teachers’ use of professio- nal judgement, and addressing the teacher shortage.” Lecce has not yet responded to this announcement. “My ongoing commitment to Ontario fami- lies is to use every available tool and pursue every path that keeps students in school,” stated Lecce in his previous announcement. “Doing so will mean students are in class- rooms learning what matters most: reading, writing and math skills.”

i&OUFSJOHJOUPCJOEJOHBSCJUSBUJPOBUUIJT juncture would not support the students we serve in elementary and secondary schools, as binding arbitration would all but guarantee that the key issues we have brought forward at our respective bargaining tables, which are critical to learning and working conditions in our schools, would not be addressed,” the joint statement said. “Furthermore, the decision to enter into binding arbitration now impacts the opportunity for meaningful local bargaining on key local issues.” 5IF 0445'  &5'0  BOE 0&$5" BMM announced they were considering strike votes in autumn, owing to the slow pace of OFHPUJBUJPOT"&'0BMTPWPJDFEDPODFSOT  but hasn’t yet announced plans for a vote. “The Ford Conservative government has continually refused to engage in substan- tive discussions with our unions, despite our many attempts to make progress at

The OSSTF is considering an arbitration agreement with the Ontario government, but three other teachers unions have rejected it outright. The Ontario Secondary School Tea- cher’s Federation (OSSTF) is considering an arbitration agreement with the Ontario government that would bring students back to class without the threat of a strike. If it’s ratified, negotiations would continue with a new deadline of October 27, after which a third party would step in to resolve any outstanding issues. .JOJTUFSPG&EVDBUJPO4UFQIFO-FDDF issued a statement on August 25, “…inviting all outstanding teacher unions to meet with the government as early as Monday to also enter into a tentative deal ahead of the start of school. Let’s get these deals done and let kids get back to learning in peace and with confidence.” The OSSTF released its own statement, which said that its bargaining unit presidents and chief negotiators voted “overwhelmingly” to enter the process. The OSSTF is prepa- ring to hold a vote for its 60,000 members through September on entering the process. “Today represents a critical point in this round of bargaining,” OSSTF President Karen Littlewood stated in a news release. However, three other teachers unions have stepped forward to say that an arbitration agreement isn’t an option for them. In a joint statement issued later that same day, the &MFNFOUBSZ5FBDIFST'FEFSBUJPOPG0OUBSJP &5'0 0OUBSJP&OHMJTI$BUIPMJD5FBDIFST "TTPDJBUJPO 0&$5" BOEUIF"TTPDJBUJPOEFT enseignantes et des enseignants franco- POUBSJFO "&'0 TBJEJUTOPUTPNFUIJOHUIFZ

Le ministre de l’Education Steven Lecce a exprimé son soutien à une convention d’arbitrage le 25 août. -photo du site

STEO AND OPERATORS REACH TENTATIVE DEAL a tentative agreetosecure transportation services for the next four years.

transportation may look like at the start of the school year.” "T.POEBZFWFOJOH "VHVTU 45&0BOE the bus operators have come to a tentative BHSFFNFOU5IFTUBUFNFOUGSPN45&0TBJE the deal offers operators, students and their


0O"VHVTU 45&0SFMFBTFEBTUBUFNFOU warning of a likely disruption to school bus TFSWJDFTDPNFUIFTUBSUPGDMBTTFT45&0 released another statement four days later on August 25, informing parents that the consortium went forward with an «emergency limited tendering for routes that may require TFSWJDFv&YJTUJOHBOEPUIFSTDIPPMCVTDPN - panies can bid for the one-year contracts which include a 13-per-cent funding increase in addition to «continued protection against fuel increases and incentives.» 8IJMFTPNFPQFSBUPSTXFSFQSPDVSFE  45&0TBJEJUXBTiVODFSUBJOBCPVUXIBU

After a complicated few weeks, STEO is optimistic that students will be hop- ping on their big yellow buses to get to school come September 5. 4UVEFOU5SBOTQPSUBUJPOPG&BTUFSO0OUB - SJP 45&0 BOPUGPSQSPàUDPOTPSUJVNUIBU provides bus service for more than 30,000 students in the Catholic District School #PBSEPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP $%4#&0 BOE the Upper Canada District School Board 6$%4# BOEUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP#VT0QF - SBUPST"TTPDJBUJPO &0#0" IBWFSFBDIFE

Après quelques semaines compliquées, le STEO est optimiste quant au fait que les élèves sauteront dans leurs grands bus jaunes pour se rendre à l’école le 5 septembre.

families more long-term certainty. i8FBSFEFMJHIUFEUPIBWFSFBDIFEBO agreement with the school bus companies and to continue the positive relationships we have built over many years, for the GPSFTFFBCMFGVUVSF uTUBUFE45&0HFOFSBM manager Janet Murray. “This has been a long process, but I know our drivers will be happy they will be out on the first day of school, greeting familiar faces and playing such an important role for kids across our communities,” added Frank Healey, president of Healey Transportation BOETQPLFTQFSTPOGPSUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP Bus Operators Association. Negotiating since March 45&0BOEUIFCVTPQFSBUPSTIBWFCFFO negotiating a new agreement for nearly six months, since March 2023. According to past communications from 45&0 BOPGGFSPGBOBEEJUJPOBMNJMMJPO over five years, part of a multi-year offer “that exceeded the rate of inflation”, was rejected by the bus companies on August 0QFSBUPSTDPVOUFSFEXJUINJMMJPO over the five-year period. 45&0DMBJNFEUIBUJUTJOJUJBMPGGFSTVS - passed driver recruitment and retention bonuses, but the operators’ counterproposal far exceed the funding available to school boards for transportation. /PEFUBJMTIBWFCFFOSFMFBTFEPGUIFOFX four-year agreement. Further details on bus operators access to transportation information will be shared once the agreement has been accepted and bus routes have been finalized.

ŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶƉƵďůŝƋƵĞ 18 septembre 2023 19h à L’hôtel de ville au 5151 ch. de comté 14, St-Eugène. >ĂƉůĂŶŝĮĐĂƟŽŶ͕ ů͛ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶĞƚ ů͛ ĂŶŝŵĂƟŽŶĚ͛ ĂĐƟǀŝƚĠƐƐƉŽƌƟǀĞƐŽƵ culturelles pour les résidents de Hawkesbury Est.

Loisirs Nouvelle approche Tous résidents intéressés de participer sont les bienvenues.

WƵďůŝĐĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ September 18, 2023 7pm at the Town hall 5151 County Road 14, St-Eugene WůĂŶŶŝŶŐ͕ ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjŝŶŐĂŶĚĂŶŝŵĂƟŶŐ ƐƉŽƌƚƐĂŶĚĐƵůƚƵƌĂůĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĨŽƌĂƐƚ Hawkesbury residents.

Recreation New approach All residents interested to join are welcome.

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