King's Business - 1926-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May 1926

A Chinese Christian Hero Marshal FengYu'Hsiang (See front cover)

of being the cleanest army in the world. ^As Mr. George T. B. Davis (who has spent much time in General Feng’s army in the work' of the Pocket Testament League) says: “ No smoking, drinking, swearing or gambling is seen. Some of those who are not saved say they might as well become Christians, for they have to act like them any way. The men often march from d r i l l singing Gospel hymns. A year or two ago when, they were fighting the Manchurian War Lord, they went into battle singing ‘Onward Christian Soldiers,*' It is scarcely necessary to add that the enemy was defeated. “ One day a friend of Feng caught him unawares mopping the floor. Some of his staff remonstrated with him that such work was degrading for him, and they quoted Confucius to that effect. Feng said, ‘Yes, Confucius said that; but what does the New Tes­ tament say? Here is a New Testa­ ment. Find some passage that bears on the subject.’ It was this: ‘Whoso­ ever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.’ They acknowledged that Feng was right, and that no Ghristian should be ashamed of any work of any kind. “ He has a motof car which is used for guests and officials visiting him, but he himself does not use it. He either rides a bicycle, walks, or rides a horse. The officers understand that they are not to ride in rickshaws, for it makes them soft. They go in for hardness. “ As we talked with General Feng and felt his grave but humble de­ meanor, we thought of a combination of Abraham. Lincoln, Cromwell, and Moody—-the elements of all three meeting in this man. He suffers for his people as did Lincoln; he is as iron as Cromwell; and as flaming as Moody. And yet he is human and loveable, with a strong sense of humor.” It is the old, old story. Where God can grip a man He always makes him a missionary, a witness, an ambassa­ dor, a winner of souls,— and this He has made Marshal Feng.

HE great historical charac­ ters of the Bible are always an inspiration to us, and so, also, are those outstanding

P ROBABLY no other mission­ ary in China has been so used of God in leading Gen­ eral Feng’s men to Christ as Dr. Jonathan Goforth, the well known missionary evangelist. For years he has been spending considerable periods conduct­ ing revival meetings among the troops, and has seen thousands of them publicly confess Christ. Some months ago three thou­ sand of the troops were bap­ tized in one day. Dr. Goforth once said to Gen­ eral Feng, “ You are becoming known all over the Christian world." “ That’s my danger,” the General replied. “ The devil will make me a special target for his attacks." “ Yes,” Dr. Goforth answered, “ but there are thousands and tens of thousands who will be­ come intercessors to pray for you.” “ That’s my salvation," he answered. Dr. Goforth is now returning to China in response to a call to become the Chaplain-General of China’s Christian Army. We are sure that every member of The King’s Business Family will be following him with their prayers for God’s blessing upon his ministry.

men and women of all time who have woven their own lives into the warp and woof of church history. In spite of the present day weakness of the church and the lack of the heroic in the lives of the masses of its mem­ bers, every once in a while God raises up a notable illustration of the mar­ velous power of His Word. The last place that one would look for a Christian hero would be China, and yet God has chosen to raise up such an one in that country. God found in Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang a man that responded to His call and yielded himself to Him for service. The story of his life is well worth reading, but we can only call atten­ tion here to the dominant characteris­ tics of the man. As is well known, China is divided into two factions who are warring for control of the government. . In this conflict General Feng has manifested unusual ability and has accomplished wonderful things. He has many friends and many enemies, as has any successful man in any walk of life. •When thinking of General Feng and of China, we are compelled to ask our­ selves the question: "Why China any­ way? Why was she not obliterated when her contemporaries— Egypt, As­ syria and Chaldea passed a w a y ? China saw, also, the fall of Babylon and Rome. Why has she outlived them all, and what is God’s purpose in her mysterious preservation? How came this man to control and lead a great army to a loyal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ?" General Feng was brought to Christ through a simple episode, as is so often the case. While a mere captain in the army, he had two nephews whom he desired to send to a Mission School, and consulted with a native Chinese pastor regarding the matter. Now this pastor was a soul-winner. He had a rule that every one who vis­ ited him should leave his name and address so that he might visit them and invite them to his church. Cap­

tain Feng was no exception and, in response to the invitation, went to hear the pastor, and God touched his heart. He Joined a Bible class. The Word of God enlightened him, he con­ fessed- Christ, was baptized and com­ menced to witness for his Lord. The General of his army forb'ade his preaching the Gospel, so he wrote his messages and had them printed and distributed to the men. Now that he himself has risen to the command of an entire army, it has the reputation

“ Once a subscriber always a subscriber” expresses the senti­ ment o f King's Business read­ ers, and is happily reflected in thia appreciative c o m m e n t from Michigan: “ Our subscrip­ tion is overdue so am sending today. It would be like losing a very dear friend if The King’s Business should be missing.”

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