King's Business - 1926-05



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\ v / . V / W OULD you estimate accurately your chances for success as a V V singer or public speaker? Then seek the verdict of the “Supreme Court,” your neighbors. What do those unbiased folk who are compelled to listendaily to your practice—sayabout your voice? Your des­ tiny is in the hands of the millions of other strangers whom they represent. Everywhere vocalists and orators who have been trained by the Physical Voice Culture method are acclaimed and applauded by enthusiastic audiences. But the letter at the right with its sincere compliment from an utter stranger [the “Supreme Court"] is a unique testimonial W e Guarantee to Improve Your Voice 100%

T o the Director, Perfect V oice Institute Chicago, Illinois Dear Sir:

I congratulate you on your wonderful system. I have listened to the singing of one of your students [B.F.N . ] before he surfed yourcourse and his voice has unproved tremendously since he started. He believes the improvement is all due to your system. His voice is getting better every day and I think he will be one of tbs world's greatest singers. I live in the apartment beside his end so should be able to Judge as I listen so his singing every day. Respectfully. D . O ’C ., N ew York City

You, too, by this wonderful new training method can have the magnetic charmoi a full-toned, vibrant voice. Here is the price­ less secret for which teachers oi voice have sought for generations —a aeries oi thor­ oughly scientific, soundless exercises that has been used with sensational success by thousands of students. It ¡t easy to under­ stand—easy to practice. You can practice it secretly if you wish.

Your vocal cords are the same in construe tion as those oi Caruso, oi Mary Garden or Gelli Curci. But YOURS are underdevel­ oped. One muscle in particular oi those in yourthroat has ever been used. Noamount of singingwill ever givetoyourHyo-Glossus muscle the exercise it needs to strengthen it as does Physical Voice Culture, the amazing discovery oi an eminent musician and physiologist.

Youare the judge. I positivelyguaranteeto improve your voice 100% FreeFascinating Book—M ail this Coupon Without any obligations on your part, I will gladly «end you a copy of my handsomely illustrated new book, containing the full complete story oi this wonderful new Physical Culture Method of Voice Development, with true life stories of successful students. n r , i t r t *.•*. 1922 Sunnyside Avenue P e r f e c t V o i c e I n s t i t u t e studio*3.i5Chicago, w.

PERFECT V O IC E IN S T ITU T E 1922 Sunnyside A ve., Studio 53-15 C hicago, UL Gentlemen: Send at once, free and without obligation, your beautifully illustrated book Physical V oice Culture and fuu in­ formation regarding your home study mtthod of voice building. It is understood that! do not have to pay a cent for this book, mthei now or later, and that I do not have to return it. Nmms ... ............ .

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