King's Business - 1926-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May 1926

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 276)

" T h e F i f t h Sparrow" James H. McConkey’ s latest devotional message. A companion to ‘ T h e Sure S h e p h e r d ." “ A faith-strengthening, heart-quickening message,” says an ap­ preciative reader. Do not fail to write for it. Sent absolutely free. Address— SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Dept. M, Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Penna.

whom we should spend our time. God never fails us and almost immediately on board we are led to speak to a young lad about 17 years old. He has the marks of being a thinker, also of being raised in a good home. Every­ thing about him shows an alertness and a desire for better things. He greets us courteously, and soon invites us to his room. Cabin boys do not have a room of their own, but are obliged to room With one or more other sailors, and such was the case with this lad. We present him and his roommate with some reading matter, and then enter into a discussion about personal salvation. The boys are interested, but when the decision moment is reached, they hesitate, and begin to offer excuses. The roommate has to leave, and we are left alone with the lad. Step by step difficulties are cleared, and then again the personal decision moment is reached. Finally the young man says, “ Yes, I know it is the right thing to do.. My mother would be the happiest woman in the world if I would make such a decision, and perhaps some day I shall. When I get to be an officer, perhaps then. I don’t expect to be a cabin boy all my life. Some day I expect to be a cap­ tain. I am planning to go to school and study navigation in the near fu­ ture, and some day I expect to be a Christian, but now it is impossible.” Immediately we assure him that we do not appeal to him because of his mother, though we know that this is a tender chord with every red-blooded youth or man, but we appeal to him from the manly standpoint, and from his need of a Saviour. We go so far as to say, "Do you recognize you are a slave to Satan?” Our reader will think that this is strong language and we admit it is, and it touches a rebel­ lious nature. We are grieved for we feel we have lost our opportunity, as he answers, “ I do. not like that word, slave.” "Perhaps,” we reply, "we should say, a servant to Satan, i.e., fulfilling his desires and doing what he would have us to do rather than what we know God would have us do, and what we want to do.” He says, “ I like that better.” We show him that Satan is now seeking to'cause him to

there is, on the part of many others, an eagerness to listen to the messages. Three Jews at these meetings have re­ cently confessed their faith in Christ as their Messiah. We are hoping to es­ tablish a Sunday School in the Jew­ ish section to which we can invite these believers and give them further instruction in the way of the Lord. As yet we have not found a place. We ask all who see this need to pray earn­ estly that God may open up the way to give us the proper place. Visitation Work Each week our workers go into the homes and shops of the Jews and en­ deavor to take the Gospel to them. Our records show that from one hun­ dred to one hundred and forty visits are made weekly. As a rule, when the worker is tactful, prejudice is broken down and an entrance gained for further interviews. The Lord is blessing the faithful efforts made in this direction. ___ Classes and Meetings In addition to our regular class for the workers of the department, we have two classes among the Jewish children and are hoping that we may have more as the work increases and as the Lord leads. The Lord is bless­ ing these classes and several little Jewish girls have confessed their faith in Christ as the Jewish Messiah. We are endeavoring to lead them on gently to a fuller acceptance o f Him. I Invitations and Private Letters Each week we are sending out invi­ tations and private letters to those whom we have met in order to get in touch with them more.closely and to help them. In these private letters we try to meet the individual needs of the different ones. The Lord is likewise blessing this ministry of letters. Pray that He may give us wisdom in order that we may do everything to advance the work and do nothing that will hin­ der it. jSljfe. m SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt—Our Workers board all vessels in the port of Son Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. ACH month gives us many in­ teresting experiences as we v i s i t Japanese, American, Norwegian, Mexican, Swed­ ish, Italian, French and Ger­ man vessels. We endeavor to tell our readers of some case in which God has gloriously triumphed over the Evil One. Many such instances are similar to those we have already recorded; however, we do believe we have an interesting example for you this month. It is a British boat that we are vis­ iting, about 3:00 o’clock in the after­ noon. The ship will be leaving in a couple of hours, and many of the men are very busy. We are trusting His leading for the particular man with

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