King's Business - 1926-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May 1926

“ In 1897, the church was raising $14,000 per annum. For three years past, it has annually exceeded the $200,000 mark. In 1897, the home plant and its missions were valued at $160,000. Today the church and the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School own eight buildings valued at a million and a half. Twenty- two years ago, the Northwestern Bible School was honored with seven stu­ dents. Its present enrollment is about 200 . ” ■ During the years of his pastorate, Dr. Riley has published a dozen large volumes and about twenty booklets. He has in circulation now over 400,- 000 volumes. His most colossal lit­ erary task of forty volumes, covering the entire Bible, is now well under way. The first volume has already come from the Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, Ohio, and the second and third volumes are proof read and will shortly appear. It will require five years to complete this task, under­ taken under the title of “ The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist.” Mrs. Riley returned from Califor­ nia, where two of their children are university students, to celebrate with her husband his twenty-ninth anni­ versary in Minneapolis, and will, in the early summer, accompany him to China, where he has been invited to speak to the missionaries in their sum­ mer conferences. We are sure that Dr. Riley’s sterling messages will be of the greatest possible help and inspira­ tion to those who are preaching the Gospel in the regions beyond.

THE MAKY-MAKTHA HOME FOR | OIKLS Those of “ Our Family” who have read from time to time the interesting items in The King’s Business with ref­ erence to this splendid work, which is carried on by one of our own Institute girls, Miss Celestia Churchill, will be interested to know that the Lord has answered the need for more room. Miss Churchill says: “ For a year we have been praying for guidance. With an unfinished part over the dining room and kitchen we have asked the Father if it might be His will to have this finished off and so provide room for a half dozen more girls— also a needed bathroom upstairs. These with an extended lease would take care of our need for a time. “ Last year— Just one year ago— when we sent the check for the rent we had only twenty-seven cents left. Throughout this year the Lord has sent us a little extra each month, and this has been put aside for the build­ ing fund. Exactly one year from the time of the twenty-seven cent surplus we have the exact price of contractor, plumber and electrician— plus seven­ ty-one cents! No one knew of this need, yet the Lord has provided for it. “ We know you will rejoice with us over the prospect of this additional room and also for the loving care and provision of a Father who knoweth what things we have need of before we ask Him. The gold is His, the silver is His, the cattle on a thousand hills, — also the Mary-Martha Home is His. We praise Him for all He has done for the Home in these three and one-half years; but especially do we thank Him for what He has done in the hearts and lives of many of the girls whom He has sent to us. “ Will you continue to pray for the work? “ Sincerely yours in Him, “ R. Celestia Churchill.” REPORT FROM MINNEAPOLIS Dr. W. B. Riley and the First Bap­ tist Church of Minneapolis celebrated the twenty-ninth anniversary as pas­ tor and people Sunday, March 7th. It was a great day in the church. The large new auditorium was packed in the morning and In the afternoon a fine audience gathered to hear Prin­ cess Rahme Haider of Syria, and at night Dr. Riley spoke to 6500 people in the Minneapolis Armory, with hun­ dreds turned away. The church bulletin for the day states the following facts: “ On March 1st, 1897, when Dr. Riley began his pastorate, the membership of the church was 662, and by revision was reduced to 585. Today the member­ ship of the church is 2990. In these twenty-nine years, 6446 people have been received into the church; 2862 of them by baptism. “ In 1897, the Sunday School en­ rolled 350; its missions 436. Today the home school alone enrolls 2322, besides its missions. 163 N. Chicago St., Los Angeles, Calif. m m INSPIRING ANNIVERSARY

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