King's Business - 1926-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May 1926

the fittest those Immense creatures should be the ones living today, while their smaller competitors should have been exterminated. Fixity of Specie* Another matter that demands attention Is this: Those extinct animals and birds of the remote geological ages were just as complex and advanced in organization as are any of the animals of today. Besides their immense size, they had Just as perfect organs for digestion, respiration, blood cir­ culation, locomotion, tearing, chewing, defensive and offen­ sive warfare as have the animals and birds of the present time. In*no way were they inferior. If that does not dis­ prove evolution, no disproof of anything that men want to believe can be brought forward. In the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, China, a party of sci­ entists found the remains of many huge dinosaurs a short time ago. For the first time the eggs of those animals were discovered. Those eggs were Just as complex as are eggs today; Just as complete for the functions of procreation. The explorers also found the fossils of mosquitoes, which, in the old dinosaur epoch, hectored those animals; and those insects were Just as well equipped to do business as are our modern, up-to-date mosquitoes. No improvement, no evolution. All these facts point to fixity of species instead of flu­ idity. Besides, the dinosaurs, all of which lived on the same kind of provender, did not kill one another in a strug­ gle for food. The old-time mosquitoes sucked the blood of animals, all living bn the same kind of food; but surely they did not engage in a bloody struggle among themselves to prove which were the fittest to survice. Indeed, so far as regards the food supply, the only serious competitors which the dinosaurs would have had would have been their fellow-dinosaurs. Ditto with the ancient mosquitoes. Thus again we see on what a slender basis rests the doctrine of the survival of the fittest through the struggle for existence. J-_ Did Selfishness Produce Social Altruism? And what shall be said about the human family? Has mankind ever made true progress by this cruel, selfish, brutal struggle? We doubt it. According to Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn (the noted evolutionist), the Cro-Magnon men, some 25,000 to 50,000 years ago, camé up Into cen­ tral Europe -from the Mediterranean Sea, found the Nean­ derthal race in possession there; whereupon the former set upon the latter, and, like the Huns they were ruthlessly exterminated them root and branch. And that is the method by which the human family made “ progress” ! The Cro-

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I T. C. HORTON. Editor-in-Chief


I The King'« Business, j 536-558 S. Hope St., : Los Angeles, California. ■ Dear Friend:

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