Retrouvez Le Reflet The News sur RUSSELL Russell and District Horticultural Society meetingMonday,April16at7p.m.attheRussell Legion/Lion’s Den. Speaker, Marcel Beauchamp’s topic will be ‘Soil’. communautaire Le lien community link The AVONMORE The Roxborough Agricultural Society is hostingaDinner,TheatreandSilentauctionon Saturday April 21st 2012 at North Stormont Place in Avonmore. The doors open at 7pm. tickets are available at Barkley’s store in Avonmore or from Society Directors before April 17th. For more information or tickets call 613-346-5981 CASSELMAN équipedesocceramicale(adultes)àpartirdu 1mai,tout lesmardis,à19h.Auterraindesoccer de l’ÉcolesecondairecatholiquedeCasselman. GRATUIT. Si vous êtes intéressés, s.v.p. appelez au613978-8195.Contacts :LucPilonouSophie Martineau. S.v.p. confirmez avant le 13 avril 2012. Collecte de sang le 18 avril 2012 de 15 h 30 à 20 h 30 au Centre récréatif d’Embrun. Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous au 1 866 je donne. Souperde fèvesau lardet macaroni,organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb, le vendredi 20 avril 2012, 17 h à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb. e Groupe B&B de Casselman organise un oyage en Pennsylvanie du 20 au 23 août 2012. RSVPavant le1 er juin2012.Rita613764-0294ou Norman 613 764-0555 CRYSLER Souper mensuel du centre communautaire de Crysler va avoir lieu le 20 avril de 5h à 7h EMBRUN Souper de fèves au lard, macaroni et pâté chinois, organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb, levendredi13avril2012,17h15au5,rueForget, Embrun. METCALFE Rural Family Connections wants your used books for theirupcoming2ndannual“Big/Little Book Sale”, in support of the Live and Learn Resource Centre. The Book Sale is Saturday June 2, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Metcalfe Fairgrounds. For information, call 613 821-2899 or liveandlearn@bellnet.ca PRESCOTT-RUSSELL Partie de sucre des Ouimet : Tous les Ouimet, familles et amis (es), sont invités, samedi 21 avril 2012 à compter de 11 h, à la cabane à sucre l’Hermine, au 212, rang St-Charles, Havelock, Qc. RSVP : Annette Ouimet-Assad : (613) 667- 7473; Suzanne/Denis Ouimet : (613)446-6207
Local business experts see nothing but good in double-barrel budget announcements
sector in the federal budget document, Charleboisnoted,concernsrevisingCanada’s immigrationpoliciesthatwouldputgreater weightontheemployabilityofnewarrivals tothecountry.Heexpressedsomeconcern aboutthefederalgovernment’splanforcuts to the public sector workforce as part of its own spending restraints. “Hopefullythatwon’thaveabigeffecton this region,” he said. Provincialbudget Looking over the provincial budget, Charleboisnotedthatitbringsupconcerns raisedintherecentreportfromtheEastern OntarioWardensCaucus(EOWC)aboutthe need to continue work helping municipalities to fix up and improve their basicinfrastructurelikeroads,water,sewer andotherservicesthathavesufferedforlack of funding support during past provincial administrations. “We are very concerned about that,” Charleboissaid.“Wehavebeenlosingground oninfrastructure,whetherit’sduetofederal or provincial cuts, in the end it puts more weight on the local property tax to cover it and thenwe become very concerned about having to carry the full load.” Charlebois also agreed with Gatien’s observation about making the EODF permanent.“Thisisgreatforus,”hesaid.“It’s a great tool for us.” The federal budget is of great interest to John Candie, executive director for the Prescott-RussellCommunityDevelopment Corporation (PRCDC). “It’s really pro- business,” said Candie. “For small- and medium-business, it’s awin-win.” La Société de développement communautaire de Prescott-Russell rappelle aux gens d’affaires que le Programme de stage dans les petites entreprisesestmaintenantdisponible. Leprogrammeoffrel’occasiondehausserla productivitéetlarentabilitéaumoyendes affairesélectroniques. Quelssontlesavantagesdeceprogramme pourvotreentreprise? Grâce à ce programme, il sera possible dorénavantde: •mettreenœuvreunprojetliéauxaffaires électroniques et ainsi faire croître une entreprise; • embaucher un étudiant stagiaire de niveaupostsecondairependant12semaines; • se faire rembourser jusqu’à 75 % du salaire et des avantages sociaux versés au stagiaire. Haussez la productivité et la rentabilité SERVICES COMMUNAUTAIRES DE PRESCOTT ET/AND RUSSELL COMMUNITY SERVICES Don « In Memoriam» pour venir en aide aux aînés.
United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR),seesboththeprovincialandfederal budgets as very pro-business plans for the future. “From an economic development perspective, it’s talking to the business sector,” Charlebois said during a phone interview. “There are many new things in there that will also help small business.” Hecitedthreeitemsinthefederalbudget as offering immediate benefit to new business ventures in Eastern Ontario: the extension of the hiring tax credit, the innovation assistance fund, and the one- yearcaponthetimelimitforenvironmental studiesrequiredforsomenewdevelopment projects. Charlebois noted that the time limit cap will help attract more potential investors because it removes some of the delaysforsomeprojects. “Especially when you have streams on thelandthatistobedeveloped,”hesaid.“It’s notfairforbusinesstohavetokeepwaiting fortwoorthreeyearsontheirenvironmental studies.” Anotherpointofinteresttothebusiness
G REGG C HAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L'ORIGNAL| Thereareenoughpagesto fillupthecoversofaStephenKingnovel in the combined budgets for this year from both the provincial and federal governments.Butit’sallgood“bedtime reading” for business and economic developmentasfarasthreelocalexperts areconcerned. Russell Township’s new Economic DevelopmentDirectorDanielGatienisvery encouraged with the provincial budget promise to make the Eastern Ontario DevelopmentProgram(EODP)apermanent part of Ontario’s economic development strategy.Healsonotedthatthatthefederal government’s extension of the hiring tax credit should also be a help to the small businesssector. “We’ve got to be able to maintain what we’vegot,”hesaid,“andthenwecanexpand.” Sylvain Charlebois, economic development and tourism director for the
Sylvain Charlebois, economic development and tourismdirector for the United CountiesofPrescott-Russell(UCPR),seesboththeprovincialandfederalbudgets as very pro-business plans for the future. photo RichardMahoney
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