NSLHD’s Safety and Quality Newsletter provides information on new and upcoming activities, programs and initiatives within the district that aim to improve the safety of our patients and the quality of our care.
MAY 2024
HOW WILL TEAMS BE SUPPORTED WITH THE CHANGE S ? Champions from medical, nursing and pharmacy will support clinicians to ensure a safe transition to the new protocol . Facility based education sessions are in progress.
IN THIS EDITION: New NSLHD IV Heparin Infusion Guideline NSLHD celebrates Human Experience Week The power of storytelling e-learning module Obtaining a Consumer Tick Access a Consumer Advisor NSLHD Youth Consultants Upcoming events: Patient Reported Measures Symposium - 17 May What Matters to You day - 6 June NEW NSLHD IV HEPARIN INFUSION GUIDELINE – 27 MAY 2024 WHAT IS CHANGING? From 27 May, the IV heparin infusion protocols will change, and new standardised paper heparin charts and a standardised heparin infusion product will be introduced. The change will support the use of approved standardised protocol s for administration and management of IV heparin and bring NSLHD in line with other NSW LHDs. The changes include: 1. Standardised use of IV heparin protocols and paper charts for : - standard bleeding risk patients - high bleeding risk patients * • cerebrovascular neurosurgical patients • patients on therapeutic anticoagulation • patients on antiplatelets • patients with known bleeding risk factors, or have had a recent bleed • patients with significant thrombocytopenia 2. 5,000 units / 5 mL for bolus dose (if indicated). * high bleeding risk patients are classified as: • stroke patients
For clinical advice and support, please contact your head of department.
Should a specific department or specialty require further support or education for the use of IV h eparin guideline and protocols, please contact Jacquelyne.lam@health.nsw.gov.au (Clinical Reliability Improvement Facilitator) or
Sibusisiwe. m aturure@health.nsw.gov.au (Patient Safety Improvement Manager)
DOCUMENTING ADVERSE EVENTS Clinicians are reminded that if a patient experiences a ‘preventable’ adverse drug reaction while in our care, it should be documented in the patient’s electronic medical records, reported in ims+, AND reported to the T herapeutic Goods Administration (T GA ) . See Adverse Drug Reaction ( ADR) and Allergy Documentation Procedure - NSLHD This ensures that our facilities and services comply with NSQHS Medication Safety Standard: - Action 4.08 “The health service organisation has processes for documenting adverse drug reactions experienced by patients during an episode of care in the healthcare record and in the organisation-wide incident reporting system” - Action 4.09 "The health service organisation has processes for reporting adverse drug reactions experienced by patients to the Therapeutic Goods Administration, in accordance with its requirements"
3. Standardised infusion product: 25,000 units / 250 mL pre-mixed bag administered via a volumetric pump for IV infusion.
Medication Safety Standard
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital launched a week long celebration highlighting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Health service team and service, the Carers Support Service, as well as celebrating local quality improvement projects such as: Integrated Booking Unit – Innovative translation services for disabled patients , BRUSH – improving outcomes in oral care Paediatric Service Emotional Support project.
NSLHD CELEBRATES HUMAN EXPERIENCE WEEK Human Experience Week, held between 29 April to 3 May 2024, holds special significance for us across Northern Sydney Local Health District and within NSW Health. The week highlights the important connection between the experiences of patients, their families and carers, and the experiences of healthcare staff and volunteers. This year the NSLHD Consumer and Patient Experience (CAPE) team facilitated a 2-hour hybrid event, by partnering with colleagues in the Virtual Health and Hospital in the Home Service to showcase our strategy, perfectly aligning with this year’s theme, “Innovate to Elevate” . The NSLHD Virtual Care and Emergency Ambulance Avoidance Strategy illustrates how NSLHD Virtual Care and Hospital in the Home Service have used innovation in virtual care to elevate the experience of staff and consumers.
Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Services showcased their quality improvement data dashboards and held a lunchtime event at Macquarie Hospital elevating the Human Experience through stories of recovery.
(Left to Right: Dr Thelma De Lisser Howarth – NSLHD Manager of Consumer & Pt Experience, Consumers – Robert & Charlotte) “I was especially delighted to have the two health-service customers tell their own stories rather than have a health-services provider tell an interpretation of customer perspectives.” “I really liked the patient stories. I found it so moving”
Partnering with Consumers Standard
MAY 2024
Mona Vale Hospital celebrated with Human Experience Week with displays in each ward and taking the time to connect with staff by asking them and writing how they positively impact those they care for.
Primary and Community Health (PACH) held a fantastic virtual event, during which staff and Consumer Advisors shared their experiences working collaboratively on various PACH quality projects. Discussion centred around useful topics such as: What is a Consumer Advisor? and How to recruit a Consumer Advisor? The 2023 PACH Consumer and Carer survey results were also presented. The service also took the opportunity to share Patient Stories from across their service during Human Experience week. Patient Stories are regularly collected across PACH services for the purpose of understanding and improving the patient experience. Patient stories provide valuable insights to reflect on ways to improve service delivery and care provided. PACH Patient Stories highlight the important connections we have with patients, families, carers, and each other. Click here to view a collection of PACH Patient Stories.
Ryde Hospital held a stand in the foyer connecting with staff and consumers. Staff wrote down how they connect with patient to enhance the consumer experience – common themes were kindness, compassion, empathy and listening. The Patient Reported Measures (PRM) team promoted how the use of real time feedback (i.e. using standardised and validated tools) can improve patient experience and patient outcomes.
The importance of collecting and sharing patient stories is gathering momentum across healthcare. To ensure staff across Northern Sydney Local Health District are able to contribute to this body of work a new e-learning module on My Health Learning (Course Code 519719921) has been made available, called The Power of Storytelling .
Royal North Shore Hospital celebrated by sharing daily patient stories were sent to all staff. We were touched by Simone’s story of resilience and perseverance through her and her family’s cancer journey. Patient ‘S’ shared how she had spent the last 21 years navigating the complexities of Multiple Sclerosis and her appreciation of the empathy and comforting presence of nursing staff and how she embarked on a quest to improve inefficiencies she found in the system connected to enhancing the human experience. Jonathon, when diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and immune system disorders spoke of the importance of team collaboration, communication, reassurance and compassion.
Staff can directly access the module by scanning the QR Code below or access from the Consumer and Patient Experience Education Intranet page.
The module, co-designed with consumers, guide staff through the process of taking a story with a patient, consumer, family, or staff member and using that persons experience to reflect, learn and grow. Several useful resources are available to download.
Partnering with Consumers Standard
MAY 2024
Consumer and Patient Experience
NSLHD is a major provider of health promotion and educational information to the community, patients, and their family and carers.
To ensure we maintain safety and promote quality, NSLHD needs to have a robust and well-defined process for producing health information, that enables consumer input and includes a clear process for regular review and endorsement.
NSLHD staff developing resources for consumers (e.g., brochures, publications, fact sheets, audio visual, apps, etc) should read the Consumer Health Information - Approval Steps for Producing and The Consumer Tick Process- NSLHD procedure and develop resources according to its requirements. This ensures health resources are developed within a framework that reflects best practice and is easily understood by the community, patients, and their families and carers. Staff can also access the Consumer Tick Resource intranet page that provides step by step instructions to ensure consumer health information and resources meet all requirements to gain the consumer tick graphic , or contact the Consumer and Patient Experience team on NSLHD- ThePatientExperience@health.nsw.gov.au
Did you know we have 85 registered Consumer Advisors in NSLHD?
Consumer Advisors bring unique and different perspectives to all parts of service development, delivery, and governance. They work with our district to improve how we deliver care and how we can create positive experiences for our patients, carers and families in our care. Like staff, NSLHD Consumer Advisors go through an onboarding and training process before starting work within NSLHD. We are always looking for more Consumer Advisors to join us. To help us grow our pool, the following posters can be displayed in your areas where consumers, patients and families visit. For more information please visit the Recruit a Consumer Advisor to your committee or project intranet page or contact the Consumer and Patient Experience team on NSLHD- ThePatientExperience@health.nsw.gov.au
Partnering with Consumers Standard
Help Us Improve Your Health Service Partner with us to improve the design, planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of Northern Sydney Local Health District Health Services
Have Your Say
Become a consumer advisor!
What is a Consumer Advisor? Consumer Advisors are individuals who partner with us to act as voices for our community.
Who are Consumer Advisors? Consumer Advisors are people just like you, who come from across Northern Sydney. They bring a range of experiences to their roles, including experience as patients and carers. Consumer Advisors are volunteers who generously provide their time, knowledge and expertise. Their involvement ensures that the services and programs delivered by us meet the needs of our communities.
Consumer Advisors help us by:
• Sharing their ideas and stories
• Giving us different perspectives on the health care experience
• Raising issues they see and hear about in our health services
• Speaking up for the needs of our diverse community
• Getting involved in our health service planning processes
With your input we can be leaders in healthcare, partners in wellbeing
We want to partner with you to strengthen the way that we evaluate, plan, monitor and deliver your health services.
SEPT21 / V2
MAY 2024
Is your service caring for young people aged 12-24? Our district’s Youth Consultants can support your service meet young people’s needs by offering: Free service audit/s with two or more Youth Consultants, providing valuable youth perspectives. Receive a comprehensive report highlighting strengths and actionable recommendations, perfect for meeting National Safety Quality Health Service Partnering with Consumers Standard . Free consultations available to gain insights on youth-targeted initiatives, such as resource development.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your services for young people. Schedule your consultation today! Click here to book and find out more.
Contact: NSLHD- YouthHealthPromotion@health.nsw.gov.au
The Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Symposium will be held virtually on 17 May 2024, hosted by the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) .
The event is an excellent opportunity to learn more about how PRMs can be used to help improve patient outcomes and experiences of care. This year’s theme is “Patient Reported Measures: Enabling improved outcomes and experiences for people across the care continuum”.
To view the symposium program and register for the free virtual event, please visit https://aci.health.nsw.gov.au/about/calendar/patient-reported-measures-symposium
As healthcare professionals, we want to promote careful, kind human interactions. Asking “What matters to you?” is about understanding what matters to an individual in their life. It’s about having meaningful conversations with individuals, as well as their families and carers. These conversations can help inform decisions about a person’s health and care, and when we engage with individuals about their health and care decisions, it can greatly improve their wellbeing and outcomes. The events planned during What matters to you day will support Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers, NSLHD Partnering with Consumers Framework 2021-2026 and NSW Health Elevating the Human Experience guide to action.
What matters to you? resources can be ordered from Design and Print services. Visit the Patient Experience Programs) intranet page for more information in the lead up to the day.
If you have any questions, please contact nslhd-thepatientexperience@health.nsw.gov.au
Partnering with Consumers Standard
MAY 2024
Clinical Governance Standard The NSLHD Clinical Audit Schedule has been developed for all sites and services within NSLHD to support the monitoring and evaluation of clinical care processes and to provide support for clinical quality improvement activities across NSLHD. Download the complete 2024-2025 NSLHD Clinical Audit Schedule from the Clinical Audit Schedule Intranet page Clinical audits required to be completed this month are listed below.
May QARS Audits ( direct links available from Clinical Audit Intranet page)
NSLHD_1_Maternity_Safe Sleeping for Babies
Standard 1
NSLHD_03_Peripheral Intravenous Cannula (PIVC) Insertion and Management - V2
Standard 3
NSLHD_4_Accountable Drug (S4D S8) Register -V3
Standard 4
NSLHD_06_Clinical Handover – Nursing and Midwifery BEDSIDE Shift-to-Shift V2
Standard 6
NSLHD Patient Blood Management Audits (Perioperative)
Standard 7
NSLHD_08_MONTHLY_Resuscitation trolley/backpack & Resuscitaire equipment audit -V2
Standard 8
POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES Refer to the NSLHD weekly bulletin to access the most up-to-date list of PPGs
For any queries relating to policy, procedure and guideline development contact NSLHD-Policies@health.nsw.gov.au
Urine Drug Screening and Alcohol Breathalysing Procedure Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Nasogastric Tube Insertion & Management – Paediatrics Assumption of Care by NSW Department of Communities and Justice in NSW Health Acute Care Premises – NSLHD Comprehensive Care Planning and Review in Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Services (MHDA) Services Death of a Consumer/Patient within an Inpatient Unit - Management & Reporting - MHDA Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Service Management of Patients suspected of Using Non Prescribed Substances during Treatment - MHDA Patient Flow; Non-acute Admissions, Transfers and Discharges at Macquarie Hospital - MHDA Searching of Patients and their Belongings Mental Health Drug & Alcohol (MHDA) Wrist Swipe access for Students, Casual, Temporary and Agency Staff - Management of - Hornsby Ku- ring-gai Mental Health - MHDA
Medication Safety Updates including medication shortages are available on the CEC website.
SAFETY ALERTS New, updated and recently published
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