May 2024 - Foresight Newsletter

Help Us Improve Your Health Service Partner with us to improve the design, planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of Northern Sydney Local Health District Health Services

Have Your Say

Become a consumer advisor!

What is a Consumer Advisor? Consumer Advisors are individuals who partner with us to act as voices for our community.

Who are Consumer Advisors? Consumer Advisors are people just like you, who come from across Northern Sydney. They bring a range of experiences to their roles, including experience as patients and carers. Consumer Advisors are volunteers who generously provide their time, knowledge and expertise. Their involvement ensures that the services and programs delivered by us meet the needs of our communities.

Consumer Advisors help us by:

• Sharing their ideas and stories

•  Giving us different perspectives on the health care experience

•  Raising issues they see and hear about in our health services

•  Speaking up for the needs of our diverse community

• Getting involved in our health service planning processes

With your input we can be leaders in healthcare, partners in wellbeing

We want to partner with you to strengthen the way that we evaluate, plan, monitor and deliver your health services.

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