King's Business - 1915-01

The Future of The King’s Business W ITH the January number, THE KING’S BUSINESS will be very materially enlarged; and we have good reason for expecting a very great increase in the sub­ scription list. The following departments of the magazine will be continued: Editorials* - Light on Puzzling Passages and Problems - At Home and Abroad - Hints and Helps - Bible Institute - For the Worker’s Library (or Book Review) In addition to these, we shall publish each month a strong article by some leading thinker in America, or from abroad, in defense or in exposition of “the faith once for all delivered to the saints”; articles on such subjects as Inspiration, the Inerrancy of the Scriptures, Substitutionary Atonement, the Deity of Christ, the Resurrection, the Virgin Birth, the Ascension and Our Lord’s Return. There is also to be each month a suggestive sermon. Some of these sermons will be new, some the great masterpieces of the past. There will also be each month an article on Revivals and Evangelists, and occasionally an article on Prophecy. Much attention will be given to Bible teaching in the Sunday School. The International lessons for the month will be treated at length by Dr. Torrey in the way of exposition and practical application. There will also be a teaching outline of the Sunday School lesson, by Mr. Horton. While there will be no attempt to displace such invaluable periodicals as the Sunday School Times, for example, nevertheless we shall endeavor to make T he K ing ’ s B u siness indispensable to every­ one who wishes to do thoroughy successful Sunday School work. There will also be a department of daily notes for Bible Study for Individual Meditation or Family Worship. These will begin with Matthew 1 and go through the New Testament.. NOTE—THE PRICE OF THE KING’S BUSINESS WILL BE $1 PER YEAR

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